Windows 7 has become a vulnerability: how did hackers gain access to UK military data through an outdated system?


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LockBit under suspicion: What do hackers know about British defense?

Secret information about key military and intelligence facilities in the UK was published in the public domain. According to The Daily Mirror, hackers associated with the LockBit group are behind the incident. However, concrete evidence of LockBit's involvement in the attack has not yet been provided. The data leak occurred last month after a large-scale raid on the company Zaun, specializing in the production of fences for objects with high security requirements.

Thousands of pages of confidential information were found in the shadow segment of the Internet. Among the leaked data is information that may facilitate illegal access to the HMNB Clyde submarine base, the Porton Down chemical laboratory complex and the GCHQ electronic center. Data on high-security prisons and military facilities that are key to the country's cybersecurity were also compromised.

Kevan Jones, a member of the Labour Defence Committee, said: "This is potentially very dangerous for the security of our most sensitive facilities." Tobias Ellwood, chairman of the same committee, stressed that this incident forces a review of current security measures in the digital sphere.

The LockBit group has long attracted the attention of the FBI and other international bodies. She is accused of a number of cyber attacks around the world and extortion of huge sums. In recent years, hackers have demanded a total of about 80 million pounds sterling in ransom.

Representatives of the company Zaun confirmed the information about a possible leak. According to them, hackers could gain access to emails, orders, drawings and project files. However, the company claims that classified information related to national security was not stored on the systems that were attacked. An investigation is underway to determine the full extent of the leaked data and its possible impact on the country's security.

Zaun is a British company that manufactures fences and perimeter security systems for high-risk properties. It was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Wolverhampton. The company specializes in developing and manufacturing high-tech solutions for protecting critical infrastructure, such as military bases, nuclear power plants, airports, prisons, and sports facilities. The organization also supplied protective barriers at the 2012 London Olympics.