Windows 12: The beginning of a new era or the end of Microsoft?


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Integrating AI into a new OS can change everything.

According to the Commercial Times, Microsoft plans to release Windows 12 in June 2024. The new version of the operating system will be accompanied by a series of personal computers with integrated artificial intelligence. The data is based on statements made by Quanta CEO Barry Lam and Acer CEO Jason Chen at the Taipei Medical Technology Expo.

Although the article does not include direct quotes from managers, it draws conclusions based on their comments. Chen expressed moderate optimism about the impact of AI computers on the development of the industry, emphasizing the importance of new artificial intelligence applications and updated hardware to drive progress in the industry. Lam is more confident about growth in the AI-PC, server, and automotive electronics segments at Quanta. He also suggests that the launch of AI computers may coincide with the release of Microsoft's new operating system next summer.

In an era of rapid technological development, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various fields is becoming a key trend. Microsoft is going to take a leading position in this direction with Windows 12. This strategy highlights the company's commitment not just to follow technological trends, but also to actively shape the future of the digital world by offering advanced AI-based solutions that promise to significantly expand the possibilities of user interaction with operating systems.

The current Windows 11 version already has a beta version of Copilot AI, which is expected to be more advanced in Windows 12 thanks to improved hardware support. Microsoft's Satya Nadella hinted at the need for a "new system architecture" to achieve seamless AI integration.

Satya Nadella from Microsoft suggested that Windows 12 can dramatically change the user experience with the computer. One of the potential innovations may be the replacement of the traditional Start button with the Copilot function. Designed as a central element of the user experience, this innovation is designed to help users learn, complete queries, and create content. Copilot, integrated into the operating system, can be a revolutionary step in the field of convenience and functionality, offering a more intuitive and efficient interaction with the computer.