Why won't you get jailed for carding


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Greetings colleagues, today I will digress a little from the next topic and dispel the myth that very often pops up in our and other chats. Namely, the question: "Is it possible to sit down" on a bottle "for carving classes?"
All of us have seen articles about the need for a left laptop to work, which must be bought with a drop on Facebook, a USB modem for the left SIM card and other means of anonymization. All these articles are written for those who are engaged in "scam" (deceit, divorce) of people on such sites as FB, Twitter and others, that is, by deceiving citizens of the your country, for this you can really go to jail. We don't do that. In order for the local law enforcement agencies to start looking for you, you need an application to one of the police departments, or a similar department of your country, a citizen of Germany or the United States will not be able to do this. A little later, we will analyze what is still the most dangerous thing to do in our business.
I will tell you how the investigation of financial crimes related to computers is going on in the United States. After that, there will be fewer questions.
So, the holder of the card or bank account found that money had disappeared from his account - he calls or goes to the bank.
There, the manager writes two statements - one to the police, the second to the insurance company. And forgets about all this.
The police look at the amount of damage - if up to $ 2000 - then the police of the state, city are engaged in this. That is, these are those who do not have any special powers. $ 2000-4000 - FBI, $ 4000 and above - Treasury and Special Service.
So, the policeman accepted the application with all the logs from the bank and sends a request for the IP address. Found that the given IP belongs to the provider, for example, VPN. A request for connection logs is sent to this organization.
And they give out these logs (if the VPN is a holey prostitute and you don't understand them, or you were too lazy to raise your own VPN)
Financial crimes - undermining the US economy, money laundering, tax evasion are quite serious crimes.
Well, he sees in the logs that the outgoing IP is from your country. What's next? Nobody will write any requirements and wanted lists on your country, because the jurisdiction is not right. Contact Interpol? - you have to be no lower than the FBI.
Another important detail - no one will send the aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower with the Delta Group to arrest the carder who stole 5k bucks.
It is important that any action - such as a request to another state / country - must be signed by a prosecutor or judge, who simply will not put this signature without weighty evidence.
Most importantly, the cost of INITIATING a financial investigation in the United States is approximately $ 2,780 (data as of September 2017).
That is, if you drain up to $ 2,780, then they won't even open a case.
At least the FBI can send a request to police department from your country, and then they will not sign it - because Africa and CIS is the Main Carder Evil.
Let's return a little to the very beginning of the investigation. Where the bank writes a statement to the insurance. So there are Investigators over there. Usually ex-cops or the FBI. Here they are due to the fact that there are connections, knowledge and experience and can combine a series of petty thefts into one thing.
For complete safety in work - it is better to drain 10 times at $ 1500, than once but $ 15000.
It will become economically unprofitable to look for us. That's what he was talking about. Nobody will spend $ 5k (police work time, inquiries, approvals, communication costs, etc.) in order to find the missing 2k.