Why don't work on order?


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The main reason is the lack of interest on my part, and the increased risk of relatively little money. I don't work with strangers.

Let me tell you my picture of seeing this situation:
Let's say I'm asked to do it by hammering in sneakers that cost 200 bucks, that's about 13 thousand rubles.
Of course, customers have "heard a lot" about omnipotent carders, for whom it's a piece of cake, so they want a price of 50-60% (this is adequate, inadequate want 20-40%), i.e. 6500 rubles.
Now let's calculate my costs - let's say I'm hitting a proven, "warmed-up" shop. Suppose that the first time did not work, I made several attempts. In total, sneakers cost me around 2,500 rubles. Remains 4000 rubles. The question is - who will pay for the delivery?
If the client pays, it turns out that he needs to pay extra. And if to me, then it turns out sheer pennies.

Do you understand what I mean?
Even if we forget about the cost of delivery, I have two choices. Either send the goods directly to the client's address, while requiring an advance payment, or use the services of a guarantor. Isn't it a lot for the sake of some 4-10 thousand?
Or, I accept the parcel in my city and already forward it to the client. But then it turns out that my city can be tracked by mail, even if it will be some kind of anonymous delivery method.

But do you know where else the puncture is?
You are burning. If I can disguise my city, then you are unlikely. You will not arrange such a fucking for the sake of sneakers, or other clothes, albeit an expensive one. What if I'm suddenly a cop in disguise, or just someone with evil intentions?
In my opinion, driving to order is not only an unjustified hemorrhage, but also an unjustified risk. For both you and me. This can be done when the profit is in the region of half a million or more, and even then, it is scary. As they say, you drive quieter, you will continue.

I don't like collaborating with strangers on the darknet.
I don't know these people. And let him be a good three times hammered, who makes quietly 100 thousand a month - it's a darknet. There is no trust here.
What if something happens in his life and he needs money?

Well, the pepper itself, in fact.
Just imagine, you ask me to drive in a laptop at the price of 1000 bucks for 60% of the cost. I repeat, most dreamers want everything for 30-40%, and even set some conditions. 36 thousand rubles instead of 60.

A simple question: why should I sell this laptop to you, making unnecessary running around with hemorrhoids, increasing the risks, if I can easily sell it in my village for the same 36 thousand, or even more expensive?
That's just it. It doesn't make any sense. And it's easier to sell this laptop to a stingy 30-35 percent and not take a steam bath.

And most importantly, a person will not know that I am a carder.
That's the point, that's the difference. When I myself look for sales options, people do not know where I got it all. And when they write to my blog, people a priori know who I am and where I got it from.

I hope I have fully disclosed the topic of my attitude to work to order.