Why does envy bother you?


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You give in to envy, anger and everything that prevents you from working productively. “That’s why he earns $10,000/month and I don’t? He does almost nothing! It’s so simple!”

From the outside everything looks simple. Below I will give some examples of destructive and envious thinking. From the outside it seems that all the people listed below work 2 hours a day and the rest of the time they do whatever they want. They relax, travel, and generally enjoy life. Is it so? Are they really “just lucky”?

Football player Ivan
The most obvious example is the football player Ivan, who plays for a popular team. Once a month I ran around the field for an hour - several million in my pocket. It's not fair! I can do that too!

No you can not. Ivan played football all his life, from the age of 5. And he was the best all this time. He trained hard, watched his diet, did not take cigarettes or alcohol into his mouth, and even smoked a hookah once a year. He worked like hell all his life, and now the time has come to collect the fruits of his labor.

He became one of the best players in the world, he spent years making a name for himself and making his way to the top of the football Olympus. He deserved it. What did you do?

YouTuber Alexey
An equally obvious example. YouTuber Alexey earns 500,000 rubles a month by filming videos for his channel. Plays games, talks to the camera. Releases 1 video per week. For 4 videos he receives 500,000 rubles. This is true?

Yes, after all, Alexey has been running his channel for 7 years. For 7 years he has been recording a video every week, editing it and posting it on his channel. Alexey started earning his first money 2 years ago, and it was pennies. All 5 years before that, Alexey worked with pure enthusiasm. He had work, he came home tired and spent the night editing a new video. 5 years, without a single penny of income. Could you do that?

Investor Petya
Petya is a cryptocurrency investor. Earns about $1,000,000 a year. He spends a couple of hours a day at work, the rest of the time he relaxes on the beach. This is what made me feel better!

No. Petya grew up in a poor family from the outback. I received an education and began to think about what to do. Started making money on the Internet. He needed a lot of money to help his parents. Inevitably I got involved with Chernukha. I worked in the black market for 2 years, after which I took all my savings and got into trading. For 6 months Petya sat in front of the computer day and night to understand the topic.

For 6 months Petya lived on the money he had saved and traded with it. I spent 15 thousand a month on myself, because I tried to invest as much as possible in trading.

In 6 months, Petya spent $5k. But in the 7th month something started to work out. A year later, Petya recovered all his losses with a net profit (minus the minimum necessary for living), accumulated capital of several thousand dollars and invested everything in trading. Now he had knowledge, experience, and money. Things, of course, went uphill.

During these 3 years, Petya experienced everything. And vile blackness, and uncertainty about the future, and huge losses, and lots and lots of moments of despair. A few more years passed, and now Petya is a dollar millionaire. What have you done in the last three years?

You should NEVER be jealous. This is the lot of the weak.

You should NEVER say “he was lucky” or “it’s easy” if you don’t know the whole path that the person had to go through. This is the lot of the weak.

You should NEVER count other people's money. Work and earn YOURS. Think. This is the lot of the strong.


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Quite educational, everyone knows this feeling
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