Why do we gossip?


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We are all lovers of breaking bones for someone who does not participate in the conversation. And no, this is not only female fun, men chat with equal pleasure according to the principle "he is this, and she is ... but okay? ... I swear by my mother ...".

Why are we doing this? It turns out it's not just that there is nothing to chat about. This is how the evolutionary mechanism that unites us works.

We are social beings, so we tend to talk about people. And it is logical that in the presence of some we talk not only about them, but also about others. About those who are not around. And all would be fine, but we talk about others more often in a negative way, we do not praise their merits and successes. Why?

This triggers an unconscious need to create a "grouping", to recruit those who are nearby, to get their approval and location. And how to do this if you admire someone else in front of them? It is much easier to do this by slightly belittling someone who cannot object right now. And then we are now three or four of us - a kind of team all in white.

And all would be fine, well, they chatted and parted, satisfied with each other. If our serene gossip did not end up leaving the people through one or the other ears. And after a while we did not get a boomerang for slander. This also happens.

In other words, let's understand that the need to gossip is evolutionarily sewn into us, but it is within our power to realize it and not turn into an easy target.