Why creative carders are not like everyone else


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Without a doubt, creative people are very different from most. They seem to live in another world, in another universe. And their ingenuity and originality amaze and cause the rest of the question: “How? How did they come up with this? "

Creative personalities are constantly in the clouds.

If you watch them in a noisy company, where everyone is talking and having fun, they will sit in the corner of the room, write something, draw, think about something. At school, such children can dream about in a geometry lesson, while Maria Ivanovna explains the Pythagorean theorem. They often withdraw into themselves, forgetting about everything in the world, and it is at such moments that brilliant thoughts are born in their head.

They are good observers, and they are good at analyzing what is happening around.

Anything can serve as a source of new ideas for them: landscapes, buildings, elements of clothing or decor. Catching on to some little thing, such people will create a masterpiece, turn the word into a whole story.

There is no daily routine.

Waking up at 7, having lunch at noon, having an afternoon snack at 16, having dinner at 19 and going to bed at 22 are definitely not the lot of creative people. They will work whenever they want, eat if the opportunity arises (or they may completely forget about it), and will sleep on anything and in any way - even at the desk.

They love solitude.

Many are afraid of loneliness, but not creative creatures. For them, it is a way to hide from the aggression of the surrounding world, from the formalities prevailing in society. Left alone with themselves, knowing that no one will disturb or drive away their muse, creative personalities can safely enjoy the present.

They always want to experience something new.

What is routine? Creative people have never heard of this. The monotonous rhythm of life - "work - home - sleep" - is the worst thing that can happen to them. They need adrenaline, they need movement, new emotions.

They are not afraid to take risks.

To come up with something new, sometimes you need to do unexpected things, put everything on the line. Whatever it concerns: work, personal life. You can't create something unusual without risking it.

For them, failures and misses are a huge motivation.

Life, as we know, is in black and white stripes. Incredible success can be followed by massive failure. All ingenious inventors and artists ever have doubts, make mistakes. But, if others would abandon the case halfway through, without seeing intelligible results, creative people will not leave everything so easily. Of course, persistence is characteristic not only of people who think outside the box, but for the latter this quality is very important.

They do what inspires them.

The most important thing for creative people is to do what they really enjoy. They don't need any recognition. And they will not come up with something from under the stick either. The freedom to create everything new and new, to work better and better - this is happiness.

Creative individuals often put themselves in the shoes of others.

It's so interesting to learn someone else's philosophy, to look at the world from a different point of view. For a moment, starting to think like a different person is a great way to develop yourself and also learn to understand others.

They notice everything.

These people have the ability to connect parts into a single whole. They see what others do not see, and use their observations to better understand the essence of this or that phenomenon.

Without such people, the world would be more boring and dreary. Creative personalities encourage us to develop, change us for the better. To say that they are 100% different from "non-creative" is wrong - they just have a desire to create something new. And everyone can and should be original and try to invent something that is not invented.