Who will benefit from the massive shift to cashless payments?

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At the beginning of the week, the NBU announced its intention to reduce the volume of cash payments in the country. According to the regulator's forecasts, in five years only 12% of the total money turnover in the country will be in cash.

Who will be able to benefit from the transition of payments to non-cash form, said Andrey Vigirinsky, Deputy Head of Public Audit.

By 2020, non-cash payments will provoke a reduction in the volume of cash in circulation from the current 18% in relation to GDP (in absolute terms - UAH 586.552 billion) to 12% (UAH 388.874). Thus, the amount of funds that will be additionally serviced by financial institutions for 2020 will amount to at least UAH 197.678.

In addition, the additional income of banks from commission operations alone for 2020 will amount to more than $ 1.5 billion.

“According to the financial results of banking institutions of Ukraine in 2014, all institutions of the country received an annual income of UAH 26 billion through commission transactions. Taking into account the above proportions, the revenue of financial institutions of Ukraine for 2020 is likely to double, "- points out Andriy Vigirinsky.

The specialists of the "Public Audit" predict that the main players in this market will be, first of all, banks with a developed network and various services. Moreover, these will be those financial institutions that have managed to survive in the current crisis.

The main players in this market will be:
  • banking institutions with 100% of national capital, which have managed to increase their own capital and increase their assets. Over the past two years, the most rapid asset growth was demonstrated by Mikhailovsky Bank, Alliance Bank, Settlement Center, International Investment Bank, owned by President Petro Poroshenko, and Avangard Bank, owned by the ICU group, the former shareholder of which was the head of the NBU Valeria Gontareva.
  • state banks (through them, so far, compensation is paid to depositors of bankrupt banks, plus they have a good trump card in the form of a forced transfer to their service of all salary projects of budgetary organizations);
  • PrivatBank (the only commercial bank that is a partner of the Deposit Guarantee Fund; the largest Ukrainian bank in terms of assets)
  • banks with foreign capital in the authorized capital, because their parent companies care about their own reputation, and bankruptcy of branches in Ukraine will damage the image and business reputation - Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Ukrsotsbank, UkrSibbank, OTP Bank, Credit Agricole Bank, Kredobank and others.
In general, the development of the specified settlement system is more needed by the bodies of the state fiscal service. By increasing the volume of electronic payments, the information about the person owned by the fiscal authorities will become more complete. “In fact, this is a step towards the fight against wages in envelopes, aimed at filling the budget with income tax. Such a step will actually transfer the finances of each family from a personal file to a public one, ”says the head of the“ Open Audit ”.

The authorities are already planning to cut the maximum amount of cash payments by three times - to UAH 50,000 between individuals with enterprises within one day and UAH 50,000 - between individuals under purchase and sale agreements that are subject to notarization.