Who wants pickles? Apple introduces new programming language Pkl


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Open source and strong support will help the language to occupy its niche in the industry.

Apple introduced Pkl (pronounced "Pickle") — a new open and embedded configuration language that aims to simplify the execution of configuration tasks — from simple to complex, from single to repetitive.

The language was launched on February 1, 2024 in version 0.25. The Apple team published a so-called "quick tour" of the language on the Pkl documentation site, demonstrating its key features and benefits.

Pkl uses a key-value structure similar to JSON, unlike the imperative instructions found in many other programming languages. The main purpose of Pkl is configuration, and the language supports creating static configuration files in JSON, XML, and YAML formats.

Pkl is positioned as a safe, easy, and easy-to-use configuration language. Despite the fact that only a few days have passed since the first release, language support has already been implemented for Java, Kotlin, Swift and Go, with the prospect of expanding to other popular languages and platforms.

Apple has high hopes for Pkl, seeing it as a universal solution for configuration in various programming languages.

Despite the niche specialization of the Pkl language, its unique name and memorable abbreviation (consonant with the English word "pickle") make it easily recognizable. The only question is whether Pkl will be able to compete with existing solutions and take its place in the market.

All documentation and command-line tools of the language can be found on GitHub and the official Pkl website . The language is available for macOS, Linux, Alpine Linux, and Java, although use in Java requires Java 8 (or higher) and may be accompanied by a noticeable launch delay and slower execution of complex code.