Who pays for the existence of the darknet?


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In time immemorial, the role of the darknet in the minds of a non-groping audience was associated more with a secret gathering of hackers, drug addicts, hucksters and other dubious persons. The darknet itself seemed to be a closed, secret resource, filled with everything that cannot be obtained on the open Internet. Search engines told us about this when we entered the query "what is DarkNet?"

Has the situation changed today? yes, in a rather radical way. If earlier the darknet was associated with something bad and forbidden, today it is a bulwark of freedom that cannot enslave the hands of states, and the TOR browser is advertised as the most active tool in the struggle for human freedom.

In the conventional sense, the darknet appeared in 2004, when John Perry Barlow took under his wing the developers of the next generation computer network. TOR grew out of this project. As it is logical to assume, the attitude of states to this innovation was, to put it mildly, "extremely negative", and since 2010 the state's attempts to denigrate the image of the darknet have increased significantly, the reason was the emergence of the first really accustomed crypt - bitcoin, which ensures the anonymity of payments.

Since 2011, TOR has flooded many stores that sold not entirely permitted substances, but took payment most often in the crypt. In 2013, the FBI identified the founder of the largest drug market Silk Road - Ross Ulbricht and sent him on indefinite leave to prison, simultaneously confiscating all his bitcoins. (you can read "Digital Gold", it tells a good story of Ulbricht's life). As time went on, the markets multiplied. Now for the crypt it was possible to purchase not only drugs, but absolutely everything that the soul desires.

But at one point, the Electronic Frontier Foundation on Silent separated TOR into a separate structure called the Tor Project. And the sources of funding for this structure also imperceptibly shifted from independent funds to the US government in the person of various kinds of departments. Thus, in a short time, 80% of TOR support consisted of handouts from American departments under the slogan of protecting democracy in authoritarian states, while the remaining 20% were receipts from European state structures, the dark world, as well as individual individuals.

Does the US government have access to all TOR structures? To date, it is not possible to prove this, we can only guess, although it is hard to believe that such financial support is provided "for the idea." As is known.