Which way is the horse you see running?


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A man from Moscow himself wrote to scammers, having fallen for an ad with an optical illusion about a horse. He sent them 5 million rubles.

In November 2023, Alexander was looking for a place to invest his savings. I was browsing websites, and on one of them I saw a commercial with a herd of horses and the inscription:"If you see a horse running in the other direction in relation to other horses, then you need to contact us.". He found the right horse and left his number, hoping for luck.

Soon, he received a call from Elena, a financial consultant. She asked Alexander where he would like to invest the money and for what purpose. After listening, she suggested investing in an electronic exchange, buying cryptocurrencies, and then withdrawing funds and transferring them to rubles. The man agreed — they opened an account for him and told him the main condition. It turned out that first it was necessary to transfer money to other customers ' cards, and then they themselves will transfer it to an electronic account.

Alexander was not confused by the scheme, he began to transfer hundreds of thousands to different accounts. When his account was 93 thousand dollars, Elena happily reported that the money can be withdrawn. A couple of days later, another woman called Alexander and said that to withdraw 25 thousand dollars, you need to pay a deposit of 2.5 million. Back to different people's maps. He thought about it, but still transferred the money, hoping to withdraw at least something. After a while, another installment was required, but Alexander did not fall for it. He realized that he had contacted fraudsters, and went to the police.