Where do carder-gays come from?


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Hi are you gay?
Actually, it doesn't matter, now let's talk about this, about the reasons for the manifestation of homosexuality from the point of view of science. Zero politics and subjectivity. Just the facts.

To begin with, I will briefly state my position on all these fashionable unconventional things. My views on gender and orientation are very conservative. Nevertheless, I am absolutely neutral towards LGBT people, I can calmly communicate and interact with them. Moreover, they are even interesting to me, and it was my curiosity that prompted me to write this post. In society, the topic of LGBT people has long been a taboo, and even more so in the CIS countries. That is why most people believe that homosexuality is a disease and do not have the slightest understanding of where it comes from. Honestly, until a certain point in time, I also did not understand anything about homosexuality. Having studied the topic a little, I found out that humanity itself has not yet fully caught up with where gays come from. Still, there are several ideas. I hasten to share them with you.


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Let's start with logic. There are only two views on the reasons why homosexuality manifests itself. The first is biology. That is, a certain mutation occurs in the body that affects sexuality. Second - psychology - homosexuality is an acquired thing and is formed under the influence of external factors. Well, either gays and lesbians are aliens, but this option is much less likely.

So, with regard to psychology. As we know, all problems stem from childhood, so our old Freud suggested that homosexuality is the result of unhealthy relationships with parents and that same Oedipus complex. Well, good try. But everything turned out to be not so simple. No matter how much they tried to classify homosexuality in the category of mental deviations, they did not succeed. And all thanks to the American scientist Alfred Kinsey, who made a real breakthrough in the field of sexuality research. As it turned out, we are all a little homo, bi and hetero. And that's okay. There are no mental problems. Each person has a different sexuality. Someone may be a pure hetero, and someone is a father of three children, but in childhood he licked profusely with his school friend. In short, everything is not unambiguous, so Kinsey came up with a scale for determining sexuality. Scale from 0 to 6.0 - hetero. 6 - homo. 3 - bi. At the same time, people with absolute values of sexuality are an order of magnitude less than those who had various interesting experiences. So, my dear rascals, do not be ashamed of your strange motives. It turns out that it's okay to “support” a friend in the toilet, and once you don't .. well, you get the idea. To sum up, psychology has nothing to do with it. That gays, that lesbians are quite nice guys, but about some ladders, I would think about it. It turns out that it's okay to “support” a friend in the toilet, and once you don't .. well, you get the idea. To sum up, psychology has nothing to do with it. That gays, that lesbians are quite nice guys, but about some ladders, I would think about it. It turns out that it's okay to “support” a friend in the toilet, and once you don't .. well, you get the idea. To sum up, psychology has nothing to do with it. That gays, that lesbians are quite nice guys, but about some ladders, I would think about it.


Scientists have not found a 'gay gene', but have identified genetic factors

And now about the real reasons. For a long time, homosexuality was thought to be a disease. And seriously, there are several pluses of this dubious theory. For example, Gregory Cochran argues that theories explaining narcolepsy as an autoimmune disorder caused by a virus reveal a mechanism for the virus to selectively damage the brain and make the pathogenic theory of homosexuality plausible. This means that there may be a certain virus in the world that makes people gay. Horror .. Well, let's put aside the fairy tales. About 10 years ago, scientists discovered a gene that allegedly could cause the manifestation of homosexuality. They kind of proved that there is some connection with regions of chromosome 8, the Xq28 locus on the X chromosome, and other regions on many chromosomes, which leads to such interesting outcomes. True, after 10 years, this theory was smashed to smithereens. So it doesn't fit. And now we come to the main and most plausible version of the emergence of homosexuality. It all starts in the womb and hormones are the key. According to this hypothesis, some neural regions around the hypothalamus undergo differentiation between the 2nd and 5th months of intrauterine development, and this differentiation depends on the level of sex hormones in the blood. If the hormonal background is disturbed, the development of this part of the brain will be atypical: an atypically “male” structure will develop in a male embryo, and an atypically “female” structure in a female embryo. That is, if your mother had problems with stress or something else for 2-5 months, I have bad news for you. In general, this can be finished. And now we come to the main and most plausible version of the emergence of homosexuality. It all starts in the womb and hormones are the key. According to this hypothesis, some neural regions around the hypothalamus undergo differentiation between the 2nd and 5th months of intrauterine development, and this differentiation depends on the level of sex hormones in the blood. If the hormonal background is disturbed, the development of this part of the brain will be atypical: an atypically “male” structure will develop in a male embryo, and an atypically “female” structure in a female embryo.


Genes Decide Why Men Are Born Gays: Science: Science and Technology:

Oddly enough, humanity still does not know where homosexuality came from. There is only an irrefutable fact from the animal kingdom that homosexuality is the norm. So let's say no homophobia! But we will not extol homosexuals higher than necessary.