What you need to always remember when working on the road


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Working on the road always poses a huge number of problems and costs. But I hope everyone understands that it is better to ride in a strange city than to work at home. Everyone sets their own priorities for themselves. If your freedom is dear to you, we strongly recommend that you pack your things and go on a business trip.

Problem number 1. How to get to the place of interest and at the same time remain unnoticed.
Option one. You can take a car at RENT and drive it safely. The advantage is that all over America, in any state, any COP who breaks your license plate will immediately see that this car is RENT A CAR. In other words, you can not worry about the fact that an unpaid ticket or registration may hang on it. According to RENT statistics, KARs are the least slow to be inhibited. The main problem is that when you go somewhere far away, crossing several states, then in the middle states of America you will encounter (as we call) "COP FARMS". These individuals always live in the middle states where the crime rate is low and from NEXER DO they are happy to get *** to you just like that. If, for example, you have license plates on your FLORIDA car and you are in COLORADO, I assure you that it is for this reason that the COLLECTIVE COP slows you down. And then you have to explain to him where and why you are eating. For collective farmers, mental development and intelligence, as we have noted long ago, is equal to "0". Sometimes we even wondered what it is for this quality that they are selected. That is, the dumber the COP, the more stupid questions he will ask and, accordingly, the harder it is for him to explain something. It automatically, if you hear an accent, keeps you for TERRORISTS, so we strongly recommend that you entrust driving a car to someone who has the purest English. It is the collective farmers who, realizing that you are not mediocre, will try their best to find a way to search your car. We had many cases that after braking with one of these FOOTBALLS, a couple more cars soon came to his aid. This is how I said from NEXER TO DO. So more than once from the cretins who came to his aid - there were K9 units ... K9 is the same stupid COP but with a DOG !!! The dog will sniff your entire car and you. They are not looking for MSR or Credit cards, they are looking for drugs. As we recently found out, for the collective farm states, cars with non-local registration are of particular interest due to the transportation of drugs with WEST COAST to EAST COAST. It is for this reason that they slow you down, and even there ... as God willing .. what they find - for that they will take away.
Conclusion ... it is better to avoid long distance travel. Or it is good to hide everything and have a ready-made story about where and why you are moving. Also, do not forget that almost all RENT and CARS have a built-in GPS transmitter. The company where you rented this car has a full log of where and when you were.

When you fly, you show your documents and there is a possibility that TSI (TSI - airport security service) can inspect your luggage. And only God knows how they will react to the found MSR.
When you fly, you leave a trail behind you. Therefore, we recommend that you study the card of America and plan your trip as follows. For example .... you are planning to go to TEXAS. Texas has 3 major cities: San Antonio, Dallas and Houston. So you fly to San Antonio - take RENT and CAR there and go to Houston. This gives you the opportunity to work out 2 cities and fly away unnoticed from the third. They will look for you where you worked. For even more security, you can mail your MSR to immediately eliminate the likelihood of being picked up at the airport.

When buying tickets, always remember that: when buying a ticket on the same day or right before departure, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY FALL UNDER THE TERRORIST DETECTION FILTER. In other words .... I know it sounds funny, but trust me it's true. If you bought a ticket on the same day, you will see on the ticket "0000" on the left side of the ticket (in different companies in different ways) These "0000" are a special mark of the airline that you bought a ticket right before departure or fly without luggage or your name matches with the last name of one of the wanted people. So, as soon as at Checkpoint TSI employees checking your ticket see these same "0000" they will inspect you and your luggage with special vigilance. NEVER BUY A TICKET ON THE DAY BEFORE YOUR DEPARTURE!

We hope this will help you during this difficult time.
All our articles are written personally by us from our personal experience.