What will happen to smart meters when 2G and 3G are turned off?

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British MPs are demanding immediate action and a clear plan to replace outdated devices.

A group of British MPs is calling on the government to draw up a timetable for replacing millions of outdated smart meters that will stop working after the shutdown of 2G and 3G networks.

As follows from the report of the Public Accounts Committee (The Public Accounts Committee, PAC), the project deadlines for installing new devices were repeatedly disrupted. At the same time, the budget of the entire program is 13.9 billion pounds (about $ 17 billion).

The report echoes an earlier report by the National Audit Office, according to which, as of March 2023, energy companies have installed smart meters in only 57% of homes and businesses (approximately 32.4 million out of 57.1 million potential sites). About 9% of these devices are malfunctioning.

PAC claims that another 5% (about 7 million devices) will lose functionality after the disappearance of 2G and 3G, if they do not pass an expensive hardware update. In this case, the costs will fall on the shoulders of consumers.

The regulator, Ofcom, announced last month that UK mobile operators plan to completely shut down their 2G and 3G networks by 2033 at the latest.

The PAC is seeking clarification from Ofgem and the Department for Energy Security: how do they plan to ensure uninterrupted meter replacement?

Deputies insist that the departments provide a clear schedule, as well as a plan for productive cooperation with electricity suppliers. In addition, the Committee requires only up-to-date communication standards to be used in new devices.

Not surprisingly, the PAC's representatives are concerned about the timing, given that the program was originally scheduled to end in 2019. Then the deadline was postponed first to the end of 2020, then to 2024. According to the latest plans, by the end of 2025, smart meters should appear in 80% of homes and 73% of small businesses.

The initial budget was 13.5 billion pounds, and savings for households due to consumption control were estimated at 19.5 billion pounds. Now the deputies want responsible persons to report annually on expenditures, so that the Parliament can make informed decisions about the future of the project.