What was that? Hubble Space Telescope finds mysterious explosion in space between galaxies.


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The unexpected discovery baffles scientists.

Noteworthy bright flashes of light have been detected between galaxies. Despite the calm perception of the starry sky, it is full of explosions and collisions. One of the rarest events is the so-called Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transitions (LFBOT). They quickly reach peak brightness and just as quickly fade out, unlike supernovae, which can fade out for several weeks or months.

The first LFBOT was discovered in 2018, and only a few such phenomena are known. However, in 2023, Hubble discovered LFBOT in a place where it was not expected at all – far between two galaxies.

All previous LFBTS have been found inside galaxies where star birth occurs. However, the latter, dubbed Finch, was discovered between two neighboring galaxies. This raised a lot of questions among astronomers.

Ashley Chrimes, lead author of the paper on this discovery, believes that with each new LFBOT, scientists face more questions. So, some theories say that LFBOS can occur due to stars absorbed by a medium-mass black hole. A version of the collision of two neutron stars outside their own galaxy is also considered.

The scientist notes that more research is needed to find out the causes of this mysterious phenomenon. Soon, new telescopes such as the ground-based Vera C. Rubin Observatory may help solve this mystery.

The Hubble Space Telescope is an international collaboration project between NASA and ESA. The study involves an international team of astronomers, which includes experts from different universities and research institutes.