What type of consciousness does a carder have?


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Have you noticed that for some people all tasks are easy, simple and perky, while for others it is insanely difficult, tense and stressful? It's all about two types of consciousness - flexible and fixed.

People with a fixed mind perceive unexplored tasks as something terrible and impossible, which brings them stress, because of which they more often refuse to challenge them than try to cope with it. People with this type of consciousness are very afraid of failure and once again do not enter the competition if they are not sure of their victory.

A fixed consciousness is, first of all, a holy belief that the level of an individual's abilities is unchanged and a person has no right to develop talents, improve skills and the level of intelligence.

Flexible consciousness is the reason some people reach heights.

They rejoice in challenging assignments because it is a challenge that they enthusiastically accept and delightfully carry out, content with the process, not the perfect result.

They are convinced that every failure is a new experience and an opportunity to improve their abilities.

That is, the opposite of a fixed, flexible consciousness is an impeccable awareness that abilities, skills, talents and the level of intelligence depend only on us, and is just an indicator of the specific work done and the level of effort.