What trauma teaches


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A new decryption, which will be incredibly useful for those who do not understand what to do in life, what to devote themselves to, how to correctly decipher the signs, when they tell you that you do not need to do exactly this, but you need to switch your attention to simpler, more things that suit you.

I will begin today's description of the decryption with a return to the past. It is great that you have the opportunity in the process of passing these transcripts to understand and prevent a huge number of life trials, shed tears, experiences, worries, unjustified expectations - all this dissolves along with the fact that you watch these video releases and live life trials with me pulling out of them the wisdom and essence that every living Soul needs to understand. Therefore, I am very glad that I have such an opportunity to simplify your life path and fill it with the understanding that decoding gives.

My situation happened during the school period of 7-8 grade. In fact, the situation began a little earlier and revolved around martial arts, which I successfully practiced. When I was still a first grader, my brother, who is 5 years older than me, and I were interested in Ninja Turtles together, watched various comics that we received at that time by subscription - various magazines came to the mail. We subscribed to "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", some comics about karate, about some people. Once my brother ordered a piece of paper, which was dedicated to martial arts. It was black and white cardboard material on which certain techniques were drawn, whether from jiu-jitsu, or from some other martial arts. At that time, I had no idea what martial arts were,

Since that time, I have aroused an interest in martial arts and martial arts. Rather, my own brother probably conveyed his interest, which I successfully adopted. Somewhere from my first grade for five years, this interest of mine was not realized, but just was like a certain idea. My brother once signed up for karate-do, which was taught near our home. We took about 100 rubles from our parents to sign up for a month. I don't remember exactly how much a month of training cost back then. Having signed up, my brother and I began to attend the karate-do section, which was in a nearby school about 20 minutes walk from our apartment in which we lived.

We trained for about two years, and I began to feel that I really like to feel the strength inside me and to feel like a fighter. At that moment, the idea woke up in me that I really like to fight, although I was quite a home kid. A visit to the section on this beautiful type of oriental martial arts allowed me to feel then like a warrior, some kind of fighter. After doing this for about two years, I even got a white belt with a blue stripe. We managed to pass some exam, got the ninth kyu, but for some reason our classes there ended. I was a fifth grade child then, and after two years of school there was a pause period. Unlike my brother, who entered the university, I decided to continue, so to speak, a career in learning martial arts, to allow myself to further develop this path, to discover it for myself.

By the seventh grade, I became interested in the section that was already in the new school, which I transferred to. I became interested in developing the ability to defend myself. Somewhere in the sixth grade, I just realized for myself that I want to be protected. Most people choose oriental martial arts in order to fend for themselves. When I, even as a schoolboy, looked through the people who studied with me, I felt that all these people came here mostly to learn to stand up for themselves and give back. Including those girls and girls who came to study, they also just wanted to be able to stand up for themselves. It was their idea that here they would gain self-defense skills, be able to use them and solve their problems in life with a fight with fists.

I wanted to be strong, to be able to stand up for myself, to fight back bullies at school and those situations that happen in our yard from time to time. I realized that I could stand up, if something happened, for loved ones or for a girl. It was on the basis of this motive - at that time I did not realize that this motive was false - that I began to practice karate again. At that time, Daido-juku karate-do was renamed to kudo. There was even a slogan: "Kudo - only life is more real." It was believed that this type of martial art is as close to reality as possible, and the skills that you receive there allow you to stand up for yourself and use in life, if necessary, some kind of self-defense.

I return safely to this section, but it was already a different school and a different coach. Somewhere in the second year of classes, I begin to feel a surge of aggression. I began to feel that a large amount of aggression and anger was forming around me in my field. I have a feeling that my personality is beginning to transform. From a peace-loving, loving, open, although not yet completely open, but positive boy, I turn into a fighter who is always and everywhere, if anything, ready to punch, kick in the face, climb to fight or stand up for himself. Faced with this situation and feeling this surge of energy inside me, at one point I began to wonder if I was on the right path. Some internal question arose about whether everything is in order, whether I really went the right way, that I chose this particular type of martial martial arts.

Thinking about this, I began to feel that in some training sessions I get pretty serious from my sparring partners, sometimes I come with some kind of bruise or minor injury, sometimes I start to twist and twist myself. Then I still did not understand this, but now, looking at this situation, I realize that my unconscious aggression is growing, that is, I begin to accumulate anger, aggression, hatred inside myself, I begin to feel it inside myself, it becomes more and more more. Testosterone scabs, and I'm also a teenager, and all this energy accumulates in me. I ignore this and continue to practice kudo three times a week, exercising regularly, but already moving into adolescence.

At that time, I was 14 years old when the universe taught me this most important lesson. It consisted in the fact that at one last kudo workout for me, which has so far been in my life, I get injured in sparring, which at first I do not notice. I do not feel that something has happened, but when I come home the next day, I understand that I am not feeling very well, I practically cannot walk. I tell my mom that I feel strange. Mom asks the symptoms, says that it is necessary to call an ambulance, consults with her fellow doctors. An ambulance arrives and says that we need to urgently go to the hospital now, because an urgent operation is ahead to restore my body and bring it back to normal.

I didn't understand anything what was going on. I was 14 years old - as I remember now, it was February 23rd. I don't remember exactly the year, but at the moment of writing I am 29 years old. I am heading to the hospital with my injury, where they tell me that I need an operation, which I am undergoing. After the operation, they tell me that everything could have ended with the fact that I might not have children, that is, I could remain infertile. As a result of the passage of the situation with the operation, a clear understanding of what happened in my head arises. I begin, in fact, to hear then for the first time, probably, my inner voice so clearly that it describes to me in detail what happened. I apologize for the more esoteric description, but there is no other way to say it.

I begin to hear my inner voice, which explains the situation to me as follows. I chose for myself a kind of martial art, which is filled with aggression, but I was then a child and had not yet passed into this fighting quality of a warrior. I was born a magician, and I need to follow the path of a magician. This whole situation could lead me to the fact that I could get stuck in the category of a person who simply follows the path of a warrior, begins to fight with everyone, to oppose everything everywhere, through force trying to achieve results, when my mission in this world is completely different. If I continued to practice this martial art, participated in competitions, then my personality would have undergone such serious changes that it would no longer be me. I ' d lose myself as a person who was born to create love who is able to create such a state in himself that there will be no conflicts at all anywhere and never, create such a feeling of love and filled with love within himself, as a result of which, in principle, there will be no enemies around. There will be no people who want to destroy you, because these people arise precisely from an internal confrontation.

This sign that I was operated on on February 23 showed me once again that on the men's day of the Defender of the Fatherland I was given the final understanding that my path is the path of love and harmony. I do not need to fight, fight, try to stand up for myself by the fact that I will start hitting someone's face. In response to some kind of aggression towards myself, I do not need to respond to it with aggression - this is not my nature, not my essence and not my way in principle. At that moment, I realized and felt that I should not do this, but that I should choose something that fully corresponds to my spiritual and energetic nature.

Literally two years after I had safely recovered, and later also healed thanks to the right path, I came to the realization that my path is the art of love. The universe gave me a variant in which somewhere closer to the senior grades, probably by the ninth grade, I discovered the martial art of aikido, which I successfully practiced for eight years. I think those familiar with aikido know what it is. This is not a combat sport, but engaging in it accompanies the fact that, on the basis of love, solve any problems that arise, and come to the point that, in principle, there are no enemies in your life. I devoted 8 years to aikido, reached the first kyu, almost reached the black belt in this art. Aikido just splendidly fell into my picture of the world and accompanied the development in my personality of that potential of love, to which I came.

First conclusion. Your nature - what you represent as a spiritual being - is always unique. I'm not talking about the fact that no one is allowed to practice martial arts. Moreover, maybe aikido will not suit someone, but just a martial art will do. It may be that your nature, your inner being, really feels love along with the study of the martial art. The first takeaway from the transcript is that you choose what suits your nature. When you are faced with situations in which you understand that it is a little bit not you, studying some kind of art, profession, learning some skill in courses, it may not be yours. You chose them because of a false motive - for example, out of a desire to protect yourself and somehow stand up for yourself. Don't go too hard

The second conclusion from the decryption is that sometimes you have false motives in your life, and sometimes you have true ones. The true motive is what is born inside you when you face some kind of obstacle. Sometimes, if they beat you or show aggression towards you, you just need to change your character. You need to tune in to an internal state in which you can get rid of this bloated, big, fat ego and once and for all prevent, in principle, a huge number of conflicts in your life that come for a reason.

The third conclusion from the decoding is that they make it clear to us that any disease, any injury, any destruction at the level of the body only says that you have unconscious aggression, with which you have not learned to work and correctly, safely manifest it in one direction or another. Any trauma and disorder at the level of the organism can always indicate that you have a certain block and clamp at the level of your physical body, psychosomatics, at the level of your Soul. You just need to pay attention to exactly where the violation went, where exactly the injury occurred, and correctly decipher it.