What to expect from the global ICO market: trends and tendencies

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Trends in the global ICO market in the second and third quarters of 2018


What to expect from the global ICO market: trends and tendencies.

The ICO market is currently on the rise. Initially, when cryptocurrency and blockchain projects were running their token sales, awareness was low. As it grew, the number of entrepreneurs and investors willing to raise funds in this way also increased. ICOs provide small entrepreneurs with a relatively easy way to get funding for their project.

PaySpace Magazine offers an overview of the main trends in this rapidly developing industry, drawing on data from the ICOBench Weekly Market Review and other sources.

Most of the funds raised come from the USA, Switzerland and Singapore
The United States accounts for both the largest number of ICOs conducted and the largest amount of funds raised with their help. 421 ICOs were held in the country and $ 2.6 billion was raised.Russia follows in terms of the number of token sales held with 239 ICOs, Great Britain (more than 200), and Singapore and Switzerland took the fourth and fifth places in the world (196 and 125 ICOs, respectively) - these countries also managed to raise more than $ 1 billion in the sale of tokens. Russia and Great Britain, despite the number of projects, have not yet managed to overcome this mark. This may be due to openness to technology, business models, and adherence to best practices on the part of ICOs that are held in the US, Switzerland and Singapore.


The United States has the largest number of ICOs conducted.

Ethereum is the most popular, but NEO and Stellar attract more on average
There have already been 2,225 ICOs on the Ethereum platform - much more than on other platforms. At the same time, projects on NEO and Stellar attract an average of about $ 5 million, and on Ethereum - $ 3.6 million. This is partially due to the large number of ICOs on the ether platform, but the fact remains that less popular platforms are gaining momentum. Perhaps this is due to the lower price of tokens on these platforms, as well as the fact that they are studying the problems of Ethereum and trying to prevent them on their sites.


2225 ICOs have already been held on the Ethereum platform.

Banking ICOs raise the most funds on average
While most ICOs are for decentralized applications (1155) and cryptocurrencies (909), bank ICOs (239) raise more funds on average. Thus, token sales related to banking services receive on average more than $ 7 million, while platforms and cryptocurrencies manage to raise about $ 4.5 million and $ 4 million, respectively. Although the focus is on these two areas, blockchain banking projects are considered the best in terms of solving the problems faced by users.


Banking ICOs raise more funds on average.

The ICO market is directly related to the regulation and image of the sector
The popularity of ICOs is inextricably linked to the public image of the sector. Token sales have been in decline since July 2017, when the US government announced an ICO investigation, and two projects were even blocked by the FBI. Other countries, such as Japan and China, have taken similar measures in the following months.

Since the beginning of the year, however, ICOs have experienced a resurgence in popularity, with some projects being launched and people making sure they believed in them for a reason. With the fall of the market, these trends changed again, there were even more people who wanted to make quick money without launching any products.


Two projects were blocked by the FBI in 2017.

Experts believe that in the future, projects that are planning an ICO should think in advance about advertising, public relations, marketing and, of course, development. They should estimate as accurately as possible how much money will be spent on these activities before launching a token sale.