? What to do if you want to know the carding news, but not to be in a panic because of them?

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We start the day by reading the news and end it with it. Sometimes it becomes a source of anxiety and moral devastation, not to mention the times of global crises. What can be done to keep abreast of events and not walk in a depressed mood because of them?

Turn off phone notifications. News is updated every second, and all information applications are in a hurry to notify us about them first. If they are backed up by sound, then the phone bursts with an alarming ringing, forcing not to let go of it.

Read the magazines - there are many magazines about the nice things, not politics and economics. Yoga, travel, fashion - there you can also get knowledge about new things.

Focusing on good news will also help. Yes, they still exist in the world. Culture, science, new technologies, space - finish reading on a positive note.

Optimize your social media - a seamless insight provider. Dilute feeds with subscriptions to channels with memes and life hacks. This will help defuse both the atmosphere and the pressure background.

Create a time pressure. Plan your day so that you have a minimum of time to read the news. Choose a training course from a variety of dug links, watch opera broadcasts, read classics or novels of prose. Information noise will be pleasant and useful.

None of this works? Relax. It is normal for the news to become the most important at a time like this. We have a global world crisis, actually. Watch, read, experience, share with loved ones. Get upset, get angry, cry - but just don't keep all the pain of the world inside you.