What to do if plans suddenly collapse: 5 useful tips


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For example, let's say you were planning a trip but suddenly fell ill and had to cancel your vacation. Or, you wanted to leave the child with your grandmother, and she "went on the run" to the dacha.

Or disastrous: you were going to get married, the date was set, the rings were bought, and he suddenly changed and you knew everything. Three different situations, and five tips that will be relevant in any of them.

1. Always remember that the "universe" protects us from evil and evil in our lives
The trip fell apart: it means that you don’t need tropical countries, it means that something bad was waiting for you there.
It was not possible to "get rid" of the child for a day, which means that it was also necessary: perhaps the places that you wished to visit alone were fraught with danger for you at the very moment.

Almost a legal husband has "got off" the hook?
So this is not a tragedy: thank fate that saved you from the wrong step. It is better that you learned this now, and not already being married and raising common children.

2. Think about why this particular event was so important to you.
Look at your life from the other side. Perhaps there is nothing to regret. Very quickly, you will come to the conclusion that you were just living in the grip of stereotypes.

And you can rest, not in the south, but in your homeland. And you can have a good time with your child, but your mother will bring fresh berries and tomatoes from the dacha. And you were not at all ready for marriage, but relatives pressed, they say, for 25 years, it's time already.

3. Find yourself another activity
The moment when you are disappointed is not the best time for new plans. Therefore, be guided by spontaneous decisions.

4. Collapsed plans - this is another reason to think that even at the moment when everything is perfect, everything can collapse overnight
We must learn to appreciate every moment of our life.

5. Do not look to blame, do not blame yourself, but just try to let go of the situation
From now on, you will be smarter: try not to work for wear and tear and monitor your health, negotiate with relatives in advance if you want to get some kind of service from them, carefully choose the people with whom you plan to live a long and happy life, and much more.

Each disappointment that catches up with us is a reason to move on with new strength and new knowledge.


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Planning a trip is definitely necessary and very carefully, without excluding the capabilities of smartphones and their applications. But it's still not worth hoping only for a smartphone. I travel around Europe quite often thanks to cheap train tickets and always in addition to the trip plan in my smartphone I also write down all the necessary data on paper that I take with me. This is important because your smartphone may break or it may be stolen, but you will always have the necessary information with you even without a smartphone.