What psychological techniques do carders use to lure money


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Carders put pressure on feelings, rush and threaten.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since the beginning of 2023, more than 13.7 thousand cases of carding have been registered throughout the country. Not only naive and poorly educated people fall for the tricks of carders, but also citizens with higher education and high IQ.
Today, together with Fingramota.kz, we’ll figure out what psychological techniques carders use and how to resist them.

What psychological techniques do carders use?
The stereotypical picture of a cheater is usually that of a person with low emotional intelligence and an inability to understand the feelings of another person. However, a lack of empathy does not prevent criminals from manipulating others. They are good psychologists, often charming, and easily gain the trust of citizens, evoking their sympathy or sympathy.
Also, carders are excellent speakers; they know exactly what verbal structures need to be used at one time or another, with what intonation to speak and what message to convey. For example, citizens are informed about a loan issued without their participation or about a transfer of funds. The victim gets scared, temporarily loses the ability to think rationally, and here the “caring” interlocutor says that he can help - he just needs to provide the data, and then the bank will supposedly sort everything out.
Often carders play on the desire of citizens to get rich quickly, especially in our time, when there are so many motivational business courses around. Carders demand a decision here and now - there is no time to think, they tell the victim, otherwise you will miss your chance forever. And then people invest money in dubious organizations or take loans from “black lenders”.
A common psychological technique that affects older people is pressure from authority. Pensioners for the most part are accustomed to trusting government agencies and the police, so if a person who introduces himself as an employee of the National Security Committee approaches them, they will believe him. And they will respond to a request to help a government official catch a dangerous criminal, even if this means transferring money or providing confidential information. If a person doubts, he will be threatened with criminal liability for obstructing a government special operation.
Carders are becoming more and more skillful with the development of the Internet and IT technologies - they are exploring all innovations in order to use them for their own selfish purposes.

How to spot carders?
Sign #1: Carders are always the first to contact you. They initiate a call or write through social networks and offer tempting offers or, playing on your gullibility and fear, lure money. Don't take such calls and messages lightly - it's part of digital hygiene that will protect you from carders.
Sign #2: Conversations with carders always revolve around finances . The attackers introduce themselves as employees of a bank, government agency, or large store, but their conversation with you always concerns money.
Sign #3: They ask for confidential information . No bank employee or law enforcement official will require payment card details, passwords or CVV codes from you. This is strictly prohibited by their work ethics. Therefore, under no circumstances share personal information with strangers, no matter how much they intimidate you.
Sign #4: attackers convey different emotions. Carders, as we have already figured out, are familiar with human psychology, so they will put pressure on all the pain points and throw you out of balance. Don’t lose your head and it’s better to call the bank’s contact center or government agency yourself to clarify the details.
Sign #5: You are being rushed to make a decision. Carders deliberately put their victims in a situation where they have no time to think . Do it now or you will regret it - this is the message of the carders, because they know that in a state of shock a person gets lost. If you are being rushed or forced into something by strangers, it is better to pause the conversation and think about the situation. You can always call back if necessary.

How to protect yourself from carders
1. Do not forget about the importance of critical thinking - when talking with strangers, do not let them put pressure on your emotions, analyze their words and actions. Remember that you do not owe them anything and have the right not to respond or to leave.
2. Don't rely on your confidence - there are studies that say that being overly confident only increases your risk of becoming a victim of carders. You cannot know all the schemes of carders and their techniques, so be careful and vigilant.
3. Never answer right away, take time to think - you may be assured that the offer will expire in a couple of minutes, but this is not the case. If you are offered something truly worthwhile, then it will definitely not last for such a short period of time.
4. Always consult with loved ones whom you trust - from the outside the situation may not look so frightening or clear-cut. And you can get valuable advice that will save you money and nerves. In addition, it is easier for a person outside your situation to analyze and will notice the danger faster.
5. Don’t talk to people who persistently offer you something - it’s better to politely refuse them. If it’s difficult for you to do this, then there is a psychological technique with stop phrases - come up with one and use it in conversation. For example, “I need to discuss this with my sister” - you didn’t refuse directly, but you also ended the conversation.
6. Do not allow yourself to be emotionally pressured - remember that qualified workers and officials will never allow themselves to play on your feelings. They operate according to a stable algorithm, and deviating from it can cost them dearly. And when a bank employee allegedly threatens you or makes you emotional, this is a sign that the conversation needs to be interrupted and this is most likely a carder.
7. Ask specific questions and warn that you are recording - do not be afraid to find out the details of the person calling, their work address, position, as well as details of the situation for which they called you. In addition, writing down your answers will not only scare the carders, but will also help you activate your analytical skills, which have given way to emotions that have begun to put pressure on you.

Source: Fingramota.kz