What is the danger of card withdrawal?


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In the network every now and then there are interesting vacancies for earning money by cashing out funds from bank cards provided by the employer.

Withdraw money and ... go to court?
Bank card fraud has long flourished in the world. Using special devices, such as skimmers, they steal card data from unsuspecting owners. Or other illegal methods are used to extract the Bank card holder's data. The information obtained allows fraudsters to create similar cards later, which will display the stolen information. Such a fake card is an ordinary white plastic with a magnetic tape applied, on which the data is encrypted. They are called "white cards".
And the forgery of such a card means that the scammers will receive the victim's money. But it is too dangerous to cash out the amounts. There is a high risk of being noticed by law enforcement agencies and captured at the scene of a crime. And stealing data from bank cards is a serious crime, after which you can spend several years behind bars.

So criminals are looking for fools who will do the "dirty" work for them for a small fee. Get caught? Well, without one card, but free.

Yes, and the data about it has not gone anywhere, you can re-apply them to the next white plastic. Don't get caught? Even better. There will be money.
The network is looking for a gullible person who really wants easy money and is not ready to delve into all the nuances. After all, such work is profitable, easy and does not require any skills. They are invited to receive several cards daily and withdraw money from them at ATMs. For this, the user receives a third of the withdrawn amount and transfers it by courier or transfers it to an anonymous electronic wallet, such as Perfect Money. The employee will also receive all pin codes and instructions for output and behavior. Its job is to stick to them and send them money.
In order not to show much light, such criminals often search for victims in closed forums, groups, or by sending private messages to people they like. Therefore, if you receive a message from such a person, do not think that you are such a lucky person and were chosen because you are in a closed group with your employer, and he honored you with confidence by offering such an interesting and tempting earnings. It's just that you're better suited to the role of a simpleton than anyone else, no matter how sad that sounds.

The person who has found such a sweet vacancy already dreams of withdrawing a thousand or two dollars from an ATM every day and having a third of the amount from this.

What kind of work? Where else in a month can you so easily earn $ 4000-8000, while spending no more than half an hour a day? But it would be worth thinking about why they are willing to pay so much for such a 5-minute job? Big money is spent where there are either high risks or narrow specific knowledge. No knowledge? This means that you are in a high-risk area.
Such an employer, which is interested in withdrawing funds from its cards, does not provide any information about itself, does not require prepayment for cards, and tries to minimize the dialogue with its employees.
After all, fewer contacts means less chance of being contacted later.
The money transfer scheme is sometimes too complicated. It may involve several unsuspecting couriers or random people hired to deliver an envelope on a one-time basis. All ends should be swept up. Often, the criminal gets only half of the amount that is on the card. But he's safe.

What is the threat of such "work"?
Withdrawing funds from a fake bank card is a criminal offense. And how punishable! You can easily get a sentence of 10 years and instead of making a good living, spend a few years in a fun company with your cellmates. Scammers try to assure their victims that they are not in any danger. At most, they can withdraw their cards. But in fact, a person trying to withdraw funds from the "white card" is already a criminal, as he participates in a criminal scheme.
Do not assume that law enforcement agencies will decide to let you go after the words about earnings and vacancies on the Internet. Yes, they will try to spin the whole scheme and find the main culprits, but in any case, you will go under investigation and risk a couple of years in prison. And it is not a fact that investigators will still be able to get to the top of the fraudulent scheme with bank cards.

In this case, the "employee" has every chance to become the main criminal and become a scapegoat.

Scammers specifically look for gullible victims in other cities, so as not to risk their own skin. After all, such transactions are very easily tracked. And if the owner of the card from which the data was stolen notifies the bank, even the "white" card will be targeted by law enforcement officers.
And now every ATM has video cameras installed, so the person who withdrew money will be easily detected. And it won't be too difficult to track him down.
Moreover, a hired cash withdrawal employee is unlikely to run far from home in search of an ATM. He will go to the nearest one, and he will always go to it. Not for the first time, but another time he will be caught withdrawing money from a stolen card.
Do you want to take such a risk for the sake of $ 300-400? Or is it better to take a walk in freedom? Money and risk or lack of money, but security. Everyone has to decide for themselves.

Prepaid fraud
Some criminals are still afraid of going to jail for such a serious article as stealing money from other people's Bank accounts. And maybe they would like to start such a profitable business, but they don't have the necessary skills or devices to steal data from other people's cards. So they have to settle for little – to breed users in the network for remote work with prepayment.
The scheme for finding customers is almost the same as that of those scammers who make "white" cards. But they are already looking for their victims much more confidently and on a larger scale. After all, even if they are caught, they will not have a period of 5-7 years, and they are not going to leave any leads, such as a courier, that can lead to them. Ads about finding employees for a simple job of cashing out cards are full on the Internet. Social networks, forums, message boards, links on blogs for earning money – scammers spread their networks to attract victims everywhere.

After all, the more people they attract, the greater the profit. And the income of such criminals can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars a month!

The victim is offered to cash out money for a certain percentage of 30-40% of the amount of available funds. Easy earnings in 15 minutes of work. Work something! Go to the ATM, enter the code, withdraw money and send it to the courier or transfer it to an electronic wallet. Unlike criminals who actually deal with fake cards, these scammers do not even bother with the scheme of transferring money from an "employee". After all, even the map will not reach him! Why then worry and think through the scheme?
But not everything is so simple. The future employee is long and hard explained all the benefits of cooperation, the scheme of work, approximate earnings and ease of work.
And only at the end there is a small PostScript that at the beginning of work you will need to deposit a small amount of money to the card sender. The collateral value, which will allow the employer to be sure that you will not hide with the card and honestly give them a part of it.
The cost of cards is small, $ 10-30, depending on the greed of the "employer". You can order any number of cards, even a hundred, but you will need to pay for them. After paying for the card, a courier will deliver it to you personally in the city, you will withdraw money and give the money to him.

It's amazing how people are led to this, but they are conducted very well! But there is no logic in the sentence.

How can $ 10 cover the card sender's losses if they transfer $ 1000 for use? How can this money be used as collateral and a money-back guarantee? After all, an employee can withdraw this thousand dollars, keep it all, and not 30%, and at the same time lose a measly $ 10. It doesn't make sense. Yes, it is hundreds of times more profitable for an employee to work on a permanent basis and have large sums of money than to run away with one thousand! But for some reason, a deposit is desperately needed. Yes, and for each card separately.
Why is it needed? And in order for the money to go to the fraudster's account, and he disappeared. After all, the whole idea with the vacancy was created in order to lure money from a gullible victim under the guise of good earnings. It is only necessary to transfer the required amount to the account of the "employer", and he immediately stops responding to messages. And where to look for it, if nothing is known about it, and it has long changed data?
And none of the potential employees think about how a courier can constantly run between their city and the city of the employer, especially if one lives, for example, in London, and the second in New York. How much does the road cost, or how long does it take for a courier to get from one city to another? Alas, this point also does not make gullible citizens think about whether they are being fooled.
Curiously, the employee is offered bank cards like a product in a store. "We have cards with an amount of $ 1000, it costs $ 15 to order such a card, and there are cards that are replenished with $ 2000. But for its delivery, you will need to pay $ 30 already". Doesn't suggest how a fraudster can have the exact amount of money on each card, and even a round number and the same amount on several cards at once?

Did someone specifically distribute $ 1000 for 50-70 cards? Unlikely. At the very least, this should suggest that you should stay away from such an offer.
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