What is stopping China from building up its digital power?


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The Minister of Security shares his opinion on fakes, cyber attacks and international rivalry.

China's National Security Minister, Chen Yixing, assessed the digital risks that his country regularly faces. In a recent article, he recognized network security breaches as the most realistic source of threats to the Chinese segment of the Internet. The reason is hacker attacks and the spread of fake news.

The article was published in the China Cyberspace journal, the official publication of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). This publication is one of the largest in its field. Once it even featured an article written by Elon Musk.

Chen notes that now the slightest incident in cyberspace can lead to the creation of an information storm. And the "storm in a glass" easily turns into a real "tornado" in society. The publication also highlights the threat of leaks and dissemination of materials related to terrorism.

In turn, attacks on networks serving finance, energy, communications and transport can cause a number of catastrophic consequences-from problems with electricity supply to complete economic collapse.

However, Chen considers the most important threat to be the increased rivalry between major powers. He accuses opponents of creating technological alliances, such as The Clean Network and The Chip Alliance, allegedly for the sake of cyber defense. In his opinion, such initiatives are motivated only by the desire to take a leading position in the technological sphere and achieve a monopoly.

The minister also recognizes that one of the significant obstacles for China is the control of key developments by other states, especially in the field of microchips, basic protocols, advanced AI and communication equipment.

Chen expressed concerns about the future of cybersecurity: quantum computing will soon be able to break any defense, and AI will create political rumors and fakes.

Over the past week, Chinese government agencies and the scientific community have stepped up their focus on developments in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. President Xi Jinping also called for accelerating the pace of innovative development in the country.