What is Qiwi banned?


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Not so long ago (about 6-7 months ago) the QIWI office seriously reorganized its security service. There were many reasons for this. And no matter how they deny it, they all boil down to the first on the list. Actually, here is the entire list:
Everything that lies on blocked wallets and is not claimed within 6 months - goes to the fund of the QIWI company.
A huge number of complaints about the fact that mammoths were thrown at the grandmother.
The emergence of a "piggy bank". This is the worst thing that could happen. Why? I will tell later.

QIWI policy change
Complete QIWI safety, even in the event of their error.
As a result, you won't be able to do anything and just donate money.
And now in detail. Yes, everything that has not been in the movement for six months goes to the "peace fund". All that is required is not to use the amount in your wallet. Cool, huh? And now, dear experts, attention, a question. How to use the wallet if it is blocked?

Comments are superfluous
Complaints. This is a very interesting topic. Did you know that one complaint per wallet is enough to ban all the ones you used? Didn't you know?
And why? And because all your IP and MACs are recorded and cataloged. What for? A very interesting and correct question. But why - as soon as a complaint is received about one wallet, the ip immediately rises from which they entered it. Looking for matches. And voila - all your wallets on a silver platter. Convenient, isn't it?

But even this is not enough. A tearful story from life. In prose. "From the middle".
I sat on VKontakte. He did not touch anyone, except for mammoths. And then a mammoth happened to be willing to pay for a qivikopilka. Pays. After 5 minutes, a ban arrives.

Okay. Garbage, it happens.
We go to the grandfather (deed), open a new purse there, breed another mammoth on a different topic. And bam the wallet goes banned. We remember, we think. In short, if you omit all the details.
There are very serious suspicions that VKontakte and QIWI are cooperating very closely in terms of security. Well, or VK stupidly merges QIWI information of interest. At this point, I don't know for sure. Such is the fuss.

Go ahead...
Why shouldn't you restore your wallet? Besides the obvious? To begin with, you need to take 3 photos. No, not your member.
1 - with a passport on the face so that the inscriptions are clearly visible.
2 - contracts with a cellular operator.
3 - passports.

Precisely a photo, gentlemen. Funny, huh? Here's some more fun - SS may not like your photos. For various reasons, which, by the way, the Security Council may not voice. Therefore, be prepared to take 4, 5 and 10 photos. So the masters of Photoshop, here without you.
But that's not all. After all this shit, your wallet won't get restored. You will be asked to provide the bank account number to transfer the money to. And that's all. Forget about your wallet.

How did the piggy bank change everything?
With the introduction of the piggy bank, the structure of the SB of the company changed. Nichrome not doing people were removed from it and real professionals in their field were hired. Some, by the way, are from the hacker circles. Where infa - do not ask) I just know.
Why is this all? Because when the piggy bank appeared, the entire darknet pounced on it like a hungry dog on a piece of meat. And now the most depressing thought. This was the calculation! Robin Hood is among us again, gentlemen! The perfect graceful move. Create an anonymity tool for fraudsters to easily take money from them. Cool, isn't it? Learn from QIWI how to work!

I lost my money. What should I do now?
I would not be surprised if super hackers have already written to people with such questions, who will restore the wallet for some 5, 10, 15k prepayment. I think you already understood that these guys are super specialists. They will do everything, restore ... no, well, I can't write this. This is really funny)
In short - the only way out for you - forget it. Money cannot be returned. KIWI has done everything for this. But if you are a total perverted masochist, you can try.

As a conclusion
Today 2 wallets were created for the test. One of them was issued from a pale IP. The second is pure and virgin. The first flew to the ban after the gulf in 2000. The second still lives. And there is a suspicion that he will live for a long time.
Further we go, worse it becomes. Move slowly but surely to other services. And forget about the piggy bank for black and gray affairs.