What is eating your money, success and popularity?


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A false motive exposed in time is the key to the fulfillment of your desires.

Motive is the driving force of any of your intentions, what is the source of your energy to achieve something. For the smooth implementation of your ideas and rapid growth - the motive must be sincere to the tips of the ears and truly noble (like the Russian BOGatyr).

Most often, behind the imitation of vigorous activity, you are not able to see your true motivation. What you really want and what you are trying so hard to do something for. External image and image can convince you that you are doing a good deed and all you need is the happiness of other people and peace in the world.

But in the overwhelming majority of cases, self-deception occurs, moreover, the most real SELF-DECEPTION, when you "auto-train" yourself, that in fact your motive is very noble and pure, but deep down you doubt, because at the very beginning of your path you were guided by a false purpose.

At the heart of the false goal lies a selfish monster who, in fact, has completely different plans for using your success. It is very easy to expose this monster. He very sensitively reacts to any criticism, material and image losses and to people who, it turns out, may not agree with Your Highness and generally do not care about your crown.

The monster is that part of you that is prone to disappointment, self-pity and passive aggression towards others, it is always dependent on the result and most of all worries if something does not go as it was expected. It is useless to fight the monster. It is enough just to properly illuminate him once with a ray of his attention and make him confess everything.

Successful confession, my dears!