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What is a crypt❔

Crypt (encryption) of information in files protects the file from interference by various anti-virus software. Why do you need a crypter? In simple terms, the crypt is mainly intended for encrypting various viruses, by type: RAT , stealers, loaders, miners, etc. thus we give our virus to infect the PC of the victim. So we move on to another question - "How to determine the quality of a crypt?".

Crypto quality check

1️⃣ Browser protection bypass - every time you download files, your browser actively checks the file for virus or suspicious software. When downloading, alerts pop up, by type (the file may be a threat, whether you want to save this file or at all, the file is blocked) , ideally there should be 0 alerts, downloaded file > file saved.

2️⃣ ScanTime is when various AVs check the file when it has already been downloaded. If Antivirus does not swear at the file, then we have passed the first stages of checking the crypt.

3️⃣ RunTime - checking the file when it is opened. All AVs dynamically check our file when it is opened, antiviruses do not like suspicious files and as soon as they find something, they immediately give out that the FILE is DANGEROUS or even worse, they just quarantine your file (goodbye otstuk).

4️⃣ SmartScreen - an evil thing that 99% of cryptors will not bypass, smartscreen provides verification of a file for a digital signature (SSL certificate) . Such a signature, on average, costs several thousand dollars, or even more, but it is not so easy to find it on the clearnet, since these signatures are under strict protection and are not transferred to third parties. In general, if your cryptor bypasses smartscreen, I congratulate you, you have found one of those few craftsmen.

Let's put it all together now:

Browser protection bypass, Scantime, Runtime and SmartScreen are the factors that which increase the likelihood of PC virus infection.

Where is the best place to check our crypt❔

FUD crypt — The designation of an ideal crypt (virus), so that more than one antivirus does not recognize it. Each crypter boasts that he has a small number of detects. The role of the crypter is to clean our FUD stub , usually this is done once a day. Why does FUD crypt get clogged? AV is updated every day, every day they close the way for virus software to the victim's PC.

Most people make a big mistake and think that after checking through a scanner or running it on a random dedicator, they will definitely find out the quality of the crypt. Unfortunately, this is not the case, very often it happens that all checkers show 0 detections and when you run an encrypted file on the dedicator you have 0 problems, and 90% of real users' PCs will instantly destroy the file and not even let it be saved ...

The best way to check the performance of the crypt is to put it on a Dedicated computer or a PC with the latest version of Windows, where the latest Windows Defender updates are also installed and download at least AVAST, AVG, and preferably the top 5 most popular antiviruses. Yes, I understand this is a rather difficult procedure, but you yourself choose either 10% of the knock, or several hours of wasted time. Basically, the lion's majority of crypters do not perform this check and sell you an almost useless crypt in advance . Also, the quality of the crypt is affected by its uniqueness.

What is PUBLIC and UNIQUE stub (crypt)❔

A unique stub is a stub that is tailored to a specific person

A public stub is when a crypter makes the same stub as everyone else

A unique stub will be without detection for a long time due to the fact that its cipher is individual, unlike a public stub. Let's say you took a public stub, but over time, each stub begins to collect detections from different AVs, all people who use the same stub as you will accumulate these detections with you, and if you use a unique stub, your detections will depend only on your virus spreading activity. If you do not touch it, then your FUD will be clean! (also each stub has a weight, each has its own goals, so choose for yourself and ask about its weight before buying) .


We found out how to check the quality of a crypt and how to increase its stable operation time. From myself I will say that there is a lot of slag on the market, which only visualizes the crypt file. When you take crypt for $10 - count on the appropriate quality. A good crypt with a unique stub costs around $100+, but here you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a crypter, as there are craftsmen who sell you a dummy even for this money) There is a myth that a crypt written in Python cannot cope with 50% of all ABs, and in general the script python (supposedly shit) and it's true, since its functionality is not enough, good crypts are mostly written in more difficult to learn languages and have more complex algorithms.

Personal advice

▪️Check all crypt services

▪️Better crypts are more expensive than crypts that will kill you at 0

▪️Never trust virus scanners on the Internet, always check with a real PC or an imitation of a REAL PC

▪️If you take a crypt for $10, you will not find a 100% return

▪️A good crypt costs from $50, and sometimes more than $150

- Thanks!
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