What is carding and what are its features


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With the advent of the Internet, it became possible to find the information you need. Of particular interest is the current topic of employment through the World Wide Web. It's about carding.

What is carding is a remote type of work. The point is that a representative of a certain company or an intermediary between a customer hires a virtual performer for a fee. Such an employee is called a carder. The name "carder" is taken from English, once so called a free cardman who was hired for military service for money.

Carding features
The main distinguishing feature of this type of work is that the employer and the employee can be at any distance, in any geographic location, even in different countries.

One more feature follows from this: the customer and the contractor may not know each other by name, but this does not prevent them from cooperating.

Carding is characterized by a free attitude to work in terms of managing personal time. A carder is a subject who has the right to decide for himself how much and when to work.

Those who prefer heavy workloads are looking for an appropriate employer, with whom they agree in advance on the deadlines. Equally important is the responsibility on the part of the customer, who undertakes to provide uninterrupted work.

There is an unspoken ethic of relations in which subjects establish their own rules. The employer does not press the hired employee, but expects from him timely execution. If, for some reason, he cannot meet the agreed deadline, you must warn about this in advance and ask for a delay.

Such relationships are capable of self-regulation. If the employer is interested in a competent employee, he will try to create comfortable conditions for him. Finding out who a carder is, the concept of remote work becomes clearer.

Advantages and Difficulties of Remote Work
Perhaps, the features listed above can be attributed to advantages. In addition, carding is a state of freedom, the absence of a direct boss nearby, the ability to quickly leave an unwanted employer.

A significant advantage is the lack of capital investments, here you can get income without investing your own funds.

Along with the pros, carding has its dark sides. To understand how to make money carding, you need to know about the basic principles. This work is based on trust and integrity, but this is by no means inherent in all people. Based on this, there are likely risks of getting hired by an unscrupulous employer who can leave the carder unpaid. A similar situation may be on the part of the employee, who will make him wait in vain for the completion of the task, the failure of which can result in large losses.

Verbal agreement is not reliable enough, and this is the main disadvantage of telecommuting.

The disadvantages of carding can also be attributed to instability. One has only to do something not to suit the employer, and he can terminate the employment relationship. Although there is a comforting moment here: you can find another job.

Lack of insurance experience. In this regard, such work is more expedient as an additional part-time job or, if you have experience, you can switch to full-fledged earnings.

Career growth can only be virtual, when, for example, on the carding exchange, an employee earns points and grows from a beginner to a pro or master. A salary increase is possible, depending on professionalism, if an adequate employer comes across, who appreciates good specialists.

How to avoid mistakes?
To recognize how conscientious an employer is, you need to know some of the features typical of a banal swindler:
  • Promises of unlimited scope of work on various topics.
  • Any form of payment (Bitcoin, Webmoney, Yandex money, Qiwi wallet, Bank card, etc.).
  • The offer is clearly overpriced.
  • Payment no more than 1 time per month.
  • The first task is large.

Such proposals should arouse suspicion, and it is quite justified, when after the delivery of the first project, the employer simply disappears and there can be no question of any payment.

It will not be superfluous to look for information on the Internet about the employer. If there are violations behind him, information from the victims will surely appear. As a rule, experienced carders show indifference to their colleagues and do their best to protect others, leave their feedback and give a negative assessment to dishonest employers.

In order to avoid such unpleasant situations when working as a carder, it is recommended to make safe transactions through official sites - carding exchanges.

Virtual opportunities for carders
Anyone who wants to become a carder can search for a remote job at their own discretion. You can post a free announcement of your intention to pursue a free style of work in a specific direction. It is quite interesting to create your own website or blog on which to popularize your abilities, they can attract a potential employer. You can also participate in forums to discuss related projects.

Perhaps the most effective would be to contact the carding exchange, where there is an opportunity, firstly, to find a suitable job. Secondly, to make a deal, the security of which is guaranteed by the administration of the exchange website, which is interested in attracting a large number of customers.

Features of domestic carding exchanges
If such services of Western countries pay primary attention to the quality of the work performed, then on the stock exchanges, the priority is the cost of the project. This is due to economic insolvency. The employer has limited funds, so he is looking for an author who would agree to do the job for a reasonable fee. However, it should be noted that the situation is changing, there are many interesting and profitable offers of earning money on carding, coming not only from foreign services.

The carding exchanges listed above have enough projects in their arsenal, for the implementation of which they offer quite decent payment.

How to become a carder?
If, for example, you are interested in the work of a carder, you should start by searching for an exchange by making an appropriate request. Having registered on one of the services, go in search of a suitable topic and amount of payment. Using the specified contact information, you must contact the customer (via e-mail, jabber, telegram, skype or ICQ), discuss the conditions. Usually, the employer offers to take a test task, it can be free or paid. Based on the results of the test performed, the customer can refuse or agree and offer cooperation. From this point on, we can consider that you have become a carder.

Ways to get standing orders
You can work for a separate employer. This option is fine if it guarantees enough orders for carders. You can also find 2-3 more customers so as not to be left without orders. After all, during downtime, earnings suffer.

There is also a way to make money through the exchange, which develops a system of labor relations, which guarantees the availability of permanent orders. To become a full-fledged author and have permanent orders, you need to prove your professional competence. It's worth looking for the best carding sites. Carding requires impeccable knowledge of the language, spelling, stylistics, punctuation, the ability to clearly and in an original way express your thoughts. The ability to write unique texts is also important; this indicator is checked on special anti-plagiarism services.

Sites of this kind accept into the team who successfully passed the test, the carder starts from the first level, as a beginner author. A good motivating point is the gradual growth of skill, involving such stages as "advanced", "pro", "master". The higher the status, the higher the likelihood of getting a high-paying order and the problem of how to earn carding will be solved.

Payment to carders is made through electronic payment systems such as bitcoin or to a bank card.

If you work through the exchange, the author receives payment from the service fund, then withdraws the money to his electronic wallet or bank card.

Carding: work from home or a joint office (coworking space)
At first, as soon as carding appeared, its main characteristic feature was the ability to work without leaving home. To a certain extent, this was a serious advantage; young mothers on maternity leave or people of retirement age who do not want to leave their homes once again can become a carder.

On the other hand, for an ordinary young person, such a way of life becomes boring, there is a kind of rejection from society, and there is less and less time for communication. As a result of these reasons, a new form of work organization has appeared - coworking. Its purpose is to create a joint office in which carders rent a workplace.

In the capital and large cities, coworking centers began to appear more and more. Coworking is no longer a novelty. The carders who use them are called coworkers. They come here to do their individual work. Several carders gather in a single working room. In fact, each of them works on its own, they are not united by a common project or a common goal, because they are representatives of various professional groups. Among them are stuffer, driver, owner drop-service, carding typing, programmers, designers, cc or dumps sellers, owner cashout service, loader and many other professions.

Despite the differences in the spheres of activity, no one bothers them to get to know each other, communicate with each other. An interesting process of integrating the interests of people of different professions is taking place, this can become an incentive for the birth of new ideas. New impressions are especially useful for creative people.

A carder working in a coworking center gets certain benefits:
  • Communication with interesting personalities, colleagues - this contributes to professional growth.
  • The likelihood of meeting a specialist who will become a project implementation partner.
  • Separation of the concept of work-home.
  • Rent of a workplace for any period, even for an hour.
  • Providing computer equipment and high-speed Internet.
  • Service fees are included in the rental price.
  • A comfortable work environment.

There are also some disadvantages in the new format of joint lease. I must say that shortcomings are perceived differently, depending on such human traits as tolerance, livability. We are talking about the presence of a certain level of noise, because in one room there are several workers at once and even the slightest sound becomes a part of the general noise.

Another disadvantage is the need to bear the rental costs, as opposed to economical work from home. How to say, sometimes it is not a pity to spend money, but you will feel like a more full-fledged member of society.

If we compare the pros and cons, coworking still benefits a lot, because nothing can be more interesting than live communication. Moreover, it can also be useful for business.

Coworking centers are better than at home
It is not easy to please a curious and inquisitive person, but such a person will definitely not sit at home alone with the monitor and automatically perform the assigned task. In addition, everyone wants to work in a comfortable environment, but so that the environment remains workable.

What to hide, the home atmosphere is relaxing, sometimes it is very difficult to get up early and get a carding to driving stuff a today. I just want to postpone it until tomorrow. But, as it turns out, the next day "tomorrow" turns into "today", and every day it becomes more difficult to force yourself to work. If a person goes to work in the office, even if it is just a separate workplace, such a business atmosphere reigns here that the desire to work flares up instantly.

So that, for example, a carding has the opportunity not only to work actively, but also to have a good rest, conditions are created for this in coworking spaces that are close to home ones: a separate room with a sofa or a comfortable frameless chair, a kitchen for preparing a light snack, taking a shower, table sport games. All this attracts clients and turns their life from the former reclusive into one filled with new impressions, meetings, emotions and pleasures. Due to the fact that coworking spaces are actively developing and growing, office rent, as well as in other cities, has become a kind of lifeline for carders.

Coworking spaces are just as good as at home, and even much better. To develop business qualities, you can become a participant in seminars, trainings, discussions. A separate office is provided here for conducting conversations with partners. For presentations, exhibitions, there are halls for a huge number of places.

Popular areas of carding work
In addition to the fairly common remote work on writing text discussed above, carding for translators is no less popular. The need for translations is high, but maintaining an official stationary office for a translation company and having regular translators on staff is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, translation agencies most often have a virtual format.

Of course, the presence of the real address of the company speaks of its solid level, so you shouldn't give it up. But the number of staff positions for carding translations can be minimal: the manager is also a manager and translator, an accountant (preferably with knowledge of a foreign language in order to combine duties). All other translators can be listed on a remote work basis. This option saves the costs of the translation company, because it pays not for staying at the workplace, but for a specific amount of work.

The situation is similar in other areas: carding for lawyers is also appropriate and expedient. A very convenient form to use legal knowledge to conduct consultations with virtual clients. Some lawyers earn money in this way, others create their own legal companies and turn their work into a real business, attracting experienced, highly professional lawyers to cooperation.

For programmers, carding is a real godsend. For them, the virtual way of labor relations is very convenient and understandable. The same applies to web designers, layout designers, advertising specialists. Carder programmers have the right to choose to work from home or in coworking centers. It depends on their personal preference.

The emergence of new ways of earning money, new forms of offices, a variety of activities - all this confirms the endless development of human society. The most remarkable thing about this is the positive trends in the fight against unemployment. If you are a professional, there is an opportunity to apply your knowledge and abilities. A large cohort of carders is a solid confirmation of this.


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? Momentary pleasures

We are susceptible to momentary pleasures, because our reinforcement system does not know how to respond to future benefits. Its original purpose was food, so we still vividly respond to the smell and type of delicious food. When we choose between immediate and future benefits, the brain processes these two possibilities differently.

When the reinforcement mechanism was being formed, the distant reward had nothing to do with day-to-day survival. The brain should be interested in a close reward, for example, a fruit, for the sake of which it is enough to climb a tree or cross a river. But what about the benefits for which you have to work for 5,10,12 years? In ancient times, there were no Olympic medals and retirement accounts, and therefore such a delay in pleasure was unthinkable. You can still save it for tomorrow. But for 10,000 tomorrow - no longer.

Kelly McGonigal
"Willpower. How to develop and strengthen"