What is a marketplace, or how to get different financial services in one place


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Now you has the opportunity to open a deposit, as well as buy securities and issue insurance policies in companies from other regions remotely - through the financial marketplace.
Marketplaces are sites where you can buy goods and services from different vendors. On the financial marketplace, people have access to offers from banks, brokers, property managers and insurance companies from all over the country. You can compare their services, choose the most suitable ones and conclude an agreement without leaving your home.

Who can benefit from a financial marketplace and in what situations?
Suppose you, like Vitaly, decide to put money on a deposit. To choose the most favorable conditions, it is not necessary to study the websites of all banks that are nearby. In the marketplace, you can set up a filter by the necessary parameters, for example, by the amount and term of the deposit, and immediately see all the offers. Moreover, not only from banks from your city, but also from other regions - after all, you can conclude an agreement remotely, you don't have to go to a bank office.
If you need to take out motor third party liability insurance, the marketplace will also help you save time and money. The price of the CTP policy depends on the coefficients that characterize you and your car (they are determined by the state) and the base rate that the insurer will set for you. In order not to calculate the price on the website of each insurance company, you can enter data about yourself and your car once - and immediately see the cost from different insurers on the marketplace.
Likewise, the marketplace allows you to filter and compare offers by investment and, in the future, by loans.

How does a financial marketplace work?
A financial marketplace is an online platform where users can enter into agreements with banks, insurance companies, management companies of mutual investment funds, issuers of corporate and government bonds. The platform guarantees that payments will be safe and the terms of agreements with financial institutions will be fulfilled.
All financial platforms are required to be included in the register of the Bank.
Each marketplace must send information about all concluded contracts to the financial transaction registrar, which maintains a single register of such transactions. Even if a technical failure occurs on one of the platforms, the data on transactions will not disappear - they will remain in the registry. The work of the registrar is also monitored by the Bank.
Extract all the transactions that you spend using marketpleysa, at any time to get through the portal of public services. Such an extract in the legal sense replaces the traditional paper contract. It is suitable, for example, if you have a dispute about payments with an insurance company and you decide to contact the financial ombudsman or the court.

You can compare the conditions for deposits and other financial services on many sites and applications. Are they all marketplaces?
No, most of these services are just online storefronts. You can see offers from different financial organizations on them and compare their conditions, but you will not be able to buy the desired product or service right away.
In most cases, on such sites, you will see background information, for example, the range of rates for loans and deposits, and a link to the site of the financial institution that offers the service.
But some online storefronts partner with marketplaces. On them, next to information about the services you are interested in, you will find a button "Buy online" or "Checkout online". If you click on it, you will be redirected to the website of the financial platform, where you can conclude an agreement.

Why is the marketplace convenient?
The new system has several advantages compared to the usual way of buying financial products and services - in banks, insurance, brokerage and asset management companies.
  • Ease of choice. Financial products of different organizations can be filtered and ranked according to the required parameters. For example, by interest rates or contract terms. Some financial institutions develop special offers specifically for the marketplace.
  • Access to the services of financial institutions throughout the country. Through the marketplace, contracts are concluded online, around the clock. It is enough to register on the platform just once using a verified account on the Public Services Portal. Sometimes additional identification is required: a representative of the platform will come to take a photo of you and your passport.
  • Finance in one window mode. Some platforms allow you to solve many financial problems at once: for example, buy a CMTPL policy, open a deposit, invest in units of mutual funds. And also through your personal account on the platform, you can replenish your deposits, withdraw interest, receive payments on bond coupons, and redeem shares.
  • Safety. All financial platforms are required by law to protect your data, ensure the smooth operation of the system, and guarantee the security of payments. This is monitored by the Bank.
The marketplace will simplify your life even in the case when you opened a deposit through the platform, and then the bank's license was revoked. You will not need to contact the Deposit Insurance Agency using the standard procedure. The platform will immediately transfer the insurance indemnity to an account with another bank of your choice.

What are the risks when ordering services through the marketplace?
The main danger is to end up on a fraudulent website instead of a marketplace. If you transfer money on a fake website, then it will go to the criminals and it will be difficult to recover the savings - only the police can help. Banks do not compensate for losses in cases when you yourself make a transfer to cyber fraudsters.
In the process of registering a service on the marketplace, you can be automatically redirected from one site to another - for example, from a storefront to a platform. And then - to the Portal of Public Services for identification. At each such transition, carefully check the address in the browser line.
Before concluding an agreement on a financial platform and transferring money through it, make sure that it is in the register of the Bank. The list contains not only the names of the marketplaces, but also - most importantly - the addresses of their sites.

In 2021, new platforms are planning to join them, and the existing marketplaces will expand the range of products.

How to get financial services through the marketplace?
You can conclude an agreement with a financial institution through the marketplace only if you are over 18 years old, you have a valid passport and a confirmed account on the Public Services Portal.
  1. Go to the marketplace website. Make sure that it is in the register of the Bank and carefully check its address.
  2. Log in to the platform. If you are on the platform for the first time, it will offer you to register and log in using your account on the Public Services Portal. With your permission, the information from the Portal will be uploaded to your personal account on the platform. It also happens vice versa - first you create a personal account on the platform, and then link your profile on the State Services to it.
    Some platforms carry out additional personal identification of the client - after registration on the site, their representative will come to you, check your passport and take a picture of you with it.
    In the future, for authorization on the platform, a username and password from the Portal of Public Services will be enough.
  3. Make a deal. Check the terms of the agreement with the financial institution again. If you are satisfied with everything, confirm your purchase.
  4. Check the deal notice. The financial platform will transfer the data about your purchase to the Financial Transaction Registrar, and he will send a notification to your personal account on the platform website and on the Public Services Portal. Make sure that all parameters of the transaction are specified correctly.

Do I have to pay the platform a commission for transactions?
As a rule, platforms do not charge users for completing transactions and transferring money.
At the same time, financial institutions may charge commissions for some operations. For example, a bank has the right to set a rate for transferring money to the account of a financial platform. You can consult with a marketplace employee in advance about the cheapest way to transfer money from your bank in order to pay for your purchase on the platform.
If you have already completed a deal, and then you need to clarify something, for example, the term for the payment of interest or other information under the agreement, you can do this at any time through your personal account on the marketplace.

Can fraudsters get access to my personal account on the platform and order services on my behalf?
Financial platforms included in the register of the Bank are required to comply with the requirements of the law on data protection, business continuity and secure payments.
But more often scammers look not for technical vulnerabilities of platforms, but for the weaknesses of their customers. Social engineers use psychological tools. They rub themselves into trust, call and send messages to users on behalf of financial platforms. All this in order to lure out personal data, get to other people's accounts and steal money from them.
Under no circumstances should anyone give confidential information to anyone: passwords from personal accounts, codes from notifications from banks, full bank card details (including expiration date and a three-digit code on the back).
Any phone calls that involve your money should be ended immediately and not answered. To clarify the situation, you should immediately contact the platform representatives on their own using the official phone number or email address listed on their websites. You can also report fraudsters to the Bank.