What is 3D Secure and how to activate the service at an ATM


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3D Secure secures online payments.


3D Secure is an additional security system for online payments that allows you to identify the cardholder by several indicators - the number of the payment instrument and an additional code that the bank sends to the client's mobile phone.

Such a security system is used by the largest payment systems - for example, Visa (Verified by Visa) and Mastercard (MasterCard Secure Code). Their logos are on all sites that guarantee an increased level of security for online payments.


What is 3D Secure?
When a cardholder with the 3D Secure option tries to make an online payment, his mobile phone receives an SMS from the bank with a security code. It must be entered in a special form that appears immediately after entering the payment details (number, card expiration date, CVV2 / CVC2 code) on the website of the online store. Only after this does the bank authorize the withdrawal of funds from the buyer's account.

This password is a kind of guarantee that the card is in the hands of its rightful owner. A fraudster will be able to pay with a 3D Secure card only if he gains access to his victim's phone or on sites that do not support this security standard.

Large banks actively use the 3D Secure option in their card products, connecting it to cards automatically. But if the bank has not taken care of the security of your card, you can do it yourself by calling the bank, or using an ATM.

How to connect 3D Secure at an ATM?
STEP 1 - Call your bank and make sure it supports the 3D Secure option

STEP 2 - Find the ATM of the financial institution that issued your card

STEP 3 - Insert the card and select "Other operations"

STEP 4 - In this section, click the 3D Secure button

STEP 5 - Enter your mobile phone number

Ready! Now, one-time passwords will be sent to your number every time you pay for something on secure Internet sites.

Interesting facts about 3D Secure:
  • 3D-Secure - security based on three domains - an online store and a bank that accepts payment; the bank that issued the buyer's card and the payment system that serves the 3D Secure service
  • If the online store does not support the 3D Secure standard, it is responsible for the security of the payment. Otherwise, the responsibility is on the bank that issued the card.
  • The 3D Secure standard is becoming obsolete. Fraudsters have learned to intercept bank messages and can get a security code that was intended for a customer. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a new way to identify customers online.