What does Bitcoin smell like? AI startup reveals secrets of digital flavors.


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The new technology will allow you to smell the virtual world.

American startup Osmo, specializing in artificial intelligence, is developing a technology that can change the perception of the digital world. The company is working on creating a generative AI that can recognize and reproduce odors, which will be a revolutionary step in the world of technology. The idea is similar to the famous "Smell-O-Vision" concept first proposed by Hans Laube in 1960, but now the goal is much more ambitious — to improve people's lives by teaching computers to interpret smells.

The technology developed by Osmo is a complex and multi-layered process that combines the latest scientific and engineering achievements. However, its goal is essentially simple: to create an AI that can work with odors in the same way that modern systems work with images and sounds. As stated on the company's website: "In the new era, computers will generate smells in the same way that we create images and sounds today."

Teaching computers to recognize odors is not an easy task. Unlike sounds and images, which can be easily recorded and interpreted with microphones and cameras, there is no equally simple analog for smells. Existing sensors, such as breathalyzers, can analyze certain chemical compounds, but they are limited to recognizing only a narrow set of molecules. Even if you create a sensor that can detect a wide range of molecules, the computer will not be able to independently classify and identify them.

This is the important role of AI. A computer's ability to recognize odors requires it to determine the relationships between different molecules and types of odors, and then train based on this data. However, the task is complicated by the fact that there is no ready-made "smell map" for AI training. Creating a database that includes examples of molecular bond associations has proven to be an extremely complex and painstaking process.

As Osmo CEO and co-founder Alex Vilchko, who previously worked as an engineer at Google, noted, identifying odors requires the highest accuracy. "The difficulty is that the slightest change in the structure of the molecule, for example, moving one bond, can change the smell from the aroma of roses to the smell of rotten eggs," explains Vilchko.

At first glance, the idea of reviving "Smell-O-Vision" may only seem like a fun project. However, Osmo plans to create a system capable of superhuman achievements in the field of odors. These may include the ability to detect the presence of diseases, such as cancer,or diabetes-related symptoms, such as low blood sugar.

The team also hopes to develop a method for reproducing odors using molecular synthesis. This will allow a computer to "sense" a smell in one place and then transmit this information to another computer to synthesize the aroma — a kind of "teleportation" of odors via the Internet.

Thus, smell can become a new tool in the world of marketing and branding, along with visual and audio materials. In the future, companies may have to think about which fragrance best reflects their brand.

And here an interesting question arises: what kind of smell will be associated with a particular cryptocurrency?
