What dangers can a contract hide


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We constantly sign contracts: with an insurance company, a bank, a fitness club, a travel agency or a cellular operator. Agreements are important and not very important, for insignificant amounts and for huge ones, for yourself or loved ones. The only thing that unites these agreements is that few people read them.
People are too lazy to read several pages of boring text that "Smith J. H., hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", undertakes something there ...". Many people find it embarrassing to delay their line of reading. And in general, how not to trust smiling officials? These lovely people cannot unilaterally raise the interest on the loan or not return the money for the trip, which did not take place.
The consequences of this approach are the most unpleasant. The heroes of this video felt for themselves what the habit of signing documents without looking can turn into.
Are the horrors of real life unimpressive? Using the example of famous movie heroes, we study how to turn into a donut, become an experimental rat or gain a hundredweight of excess weight, just not to read the contract.

Fight the dragon
In the last part of the film, Shrek was so tired of everyday life - noisy children, annoying fans and voracious pig friends (literally) - that without hesitation he signed a contract with the vile Rumplestiltskin. He offered to return Shrek to his former carefree life for a day, and in return he wanted a certain day that Shrek would not even remember. The green giant signed a beautiful paper, and the insidious Rumpel took the day when Shrek was born. That is, after a day "as before" the main character simply has to disappear. And the most offensive thing is that everything is according to the agreement and is honest. If it were not for the stress and sweet speeches of the fabulous swindler, Shrek would never have agreed to such muddy conditions and would have felt a catch. And so I had to fight the dragon.
Conclusion: No one should itch in your ear, distract you with the phrases “yes, everything is fine there” and “just sign”, even if there is a whole line of angry green giants behind you, and your dream is at stake. In this situation, you are a very convenient target for deceivers.
For example, if you take out a consumer loan, by law you have at least five working days to consider the offer. And the conditions cannot change during this time. Take the contract home, read it calmly and carefully, and after weighing everything carefully, sign it. In order not to fight the monsters later.

Swap your head for a donut
In the fifth episode of the fifth season of The Simpsons, Homer wanted the donut so badly that he was ready to sell his soul for it. The Devil immediately appeared with a ready-made contract and a ballpoint pen blazing with hellfire and offered a deal. The only thing Homer was interested in was whether he would get a donut if he signed. And what is the use of reading a contract written in devilish clerical language? It's too complicated. And Satan assured Homer that he would receive the donut. The case ended more or less well - the deal was invalid, because Homer long ago gave his soul to his wife Marge and could no longer dispose of it. Frustrated by the failure, the Devil finally turned Homer's head into a huge donut (as you understand, this did not affect the mental abilities of the venerable father of the family). Whether such a fine was spelled out in the contract is unclear, because Homer did not read it.
Conclusion: It seems to us that legal documents are written in a "professional" language, which is useless to understand - you will not understand anything, only your head will hurt. This is true, but not all. Legal language helps to avoid ambiguous language. If it seems to you that some clauses of the agreement can be interpreted in different ways or that some kind of nonsense is written in them, please clarify without hesitation and do not sign until you understand the agreement (or fix it so that everything is transparent). Look at the laws, the Civil Code, ask for an explanation. Do not sign if something is not fully understood.

Fall into the clutches of the Colombian drug mafia
The hero of the film "Blinded by Desires" Elliot Richards, trying to win the favor of his beloved woman, was a Colombian drug lord, and a brainless athlete, and many others. The devil, with whom poor Elliot made a deal, promised to fulfill seven wishes in exchange for a soul. And every time he fulfilled wishes with a trick. Do you want to be president? No problem: you're Abraham Lincoln a minute before the murder, enjoy yourself.
Yes, our hero signed a contract as thick as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, in the middle of which it was spelled out how to save his soul. Needless to say, Elliot, blinded by his desires, did not read it and did not recognize the soul-saving method. After all, the prudent Devil did not give Elliot a copy and almost dragged him to hell.
Conclusion: Do not forget that you need to sign the contract in two copies - you must immediately give your copy on the spot, which was signed by both parties to the transaction. By the way, the ending of the film is happy, but let us note the remark of the Devil that this is the first case of a happy ending in 4000 years. Apparently, mankind has never read contracts at all.

Become a guinea pig
South Park's Kyle, in the Leopard Man episode, simply flipped through the license agreement to install the update on his phone and hit Agree. When strange people in ties came to him, it suddenly became clear what he agreed to: weigh himself, donate blood, climb into a tank of water so that his father would be knocked out with a stun gun, remain silent, go to jail and much more, but most importantly, I agree to participate in an inhuman experiment and become a new revolutionary device yourself.
Conclusion: Read the entire agreement - in full: the main text, fine print and attachments that are mentioned in the text, all schedules, acts, estimates, final clauses. A typical mistake of those who take out a loan from microfinance organizations like “Money by One Document”: people do not notice that the cost of a loan (and it is usually small, 1–2%) is a percentage per day, not per month, as usual. In a month, it will turn out already 30, or even 60% - the costs of an unread contract.

Lose a lot of money
In the film "Unbearable Cruelty," a lawyer, a divorce specialist and generally grated kalach Miles Massey managed to fall into the tenacious paws of a swindler (albeit a charming one) and lost half of his fortune. Wanting to show that he is not marrying a millionaire because of money, he signed a marriage contract, according to which none of the spouses claims to the property of the other. The millionaire wife generously broke the contract (physically, with her hands) and “trusted” her husband. True, it turned out that she was not a millionaire, and with a divorce, our Massey would not get rich, but quite the opposite - would be twice poorer. Only love was able to reconcile the poor and the rich. But not everyone gets that luck, even in Hollywood movies.
Conclusion: Do not throw away the contract, take care of it. Create a special folder and carefully put all the contracts that you have concluded into it. Throwing away (tearing or even eating, like another hero of the movie "Unbearable Cruelty") the contract is possible only when it expires.

Skip your own life
The character of the movie "Click: with a remote control for life" Michael Newman lost his wife, did not see the growing up of children and gained a hundred kilograms overweight. How did he manage to achieve such success? And he did not sign any contracts at all and did not specify what the catch was. Someone Morty gave him a universal control panel - and while the gullible Michael was sorting out the terms of this deal and was glad that he could now skip boring events like illness or family dinner, he accidentally rewound his life to the end.
The conclusion in this situation is superfluous, but it is better to avoid omissions: any contractual relationship must be documented. No "we agreed in words, and the agreement is just a formality." Only the agreement, only read from beginning to end, only completely transparent and understandable, only in two copies.