What are online scammers buying with stolen cards?

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Payment integrator PayU Ukraine has published the top 5 most popular services through which online fraudsters most often try to pay with stolen cards.

Based on the statistics of attempted fraudulent transactions through the system, the most popular product is airline tickets. In second place is the replenishment of electronic wallets. The top 5 also includes replenishment of mobile phones, payment for online games, purchase of hosting and premium accounts for various services.

According to Valeria Syplenko, Head of the Risk Department of PayU Ukraine: “More“ experienced ”scammers use stolen payment data in those services in which the service is provided instantly and in the future it is not possible to return the funds through it. For example, replenishment of wallets - if a fraudster withdraws funds from a wallet, then the probability of a refund is quite low. The same situation is with the replenishment of mobile communications and currency in online games - the service can also be used up instantly."

Also, the company's specialists note an increase in the number of attempts to conduct a fraudulent operation. According to the statistics of payments through PayU Ukraine, this indicator has grown almost 5 times compared to 2021. In the company, one of the reasons is the intensification of the use of new types of fraud associated with theft of payment card data.

“Recently, such types of online fraud as theft of data from insufficiently secured Wi-Fi networks, the so-called “spoofing” of data through this channel, and social engineering (extracting information through profiles in social networks, by various hacks, mailings and viruses). In addition, to collect data, fraudsters also continue to use phishing, skimming, theft through RBS and ddos attacks, ”representatives of PayU Ukraine emphasized.

Recall that recently the Manhattan prosecutor's office announced the latest verdicts in a criminal case that concerns the sale of personal data of stolen payment cards.