What are carders caught on? Life stories.


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When you get on the Web, life there goes by other laws or, if you want, concepts. Here you can rob a person by intercepting his passwords. Can be beaten by rolling with a nuke or bombing. Or you can even soak it - reflash the BIOS or burn the percent. And what is most interesting - for this you will not be asked an answer. Or simply you will be answered with your own "phrases".

But the Net penetrates deeper and deeper into our life, and, accordingly, there appears its own order and those people who put it in place. But, alas, many do not know about it. Here they are at the moment and are the very victims of ignorance. It is clear that petty hooligans are not punished on the Internet. But there are also those who do not fall under the concept of "petty hooligans." I do not presume to call them criminals, but they are clearly outside the order that is gradually being established on the Internet. Yes, you already understood that I'm talking about powerlessly forgotten carders.

Those that generate numbers for sites with heifers or buy addresses * .com, I do not call them. I'm talking about people who have real money from their "works of the righteous". Often they do not even think about the danger of their business. They are brought down by the same ignorance or, rather, even backwardness from reality. I don’t want to advocate playing with other people's cards with this material, but I don’t want to scare you either. You have your own head, and you yourself will understand everything.


There was a boy named Ilya. He did not differ much in his studies and personal life. So, I was an ordinary guy, they are called boy next door. But for all the standard, Ilya was a fairly progressive person. It was scary and got into the Internet relatively long ago - three and a half years ago. But ponochki from chats are tired, and porn sites are already boring. And he went for the thrill to the carders channel, which is on efnet`e and bears the proud name #carding. The channel turned out to be quite extensive, and in addition to the bourgeois, Russified personalities also hung out there. This is where Ilya met Maxx`om. A dude who specialized in reselling expensive microchips and computer devices bought online. Hanging out, raging and agreed to work as a couple. But only the deal turned out to be funny: Max took out the card numbers and made purchases online. And Ilya had to clear customs and receive purchases that came to his home address. For all the "fairness" of this alignment, Ilya fully understood what he was doing. So he periodically received parcels at the Moscow office of a large postal service - FedEx. Many carders have worked through this service, it has long gained popularity in the relevant circles. The first "pancake" went surprisingly well, and, having received the package, our hero left it in a package at the entrance to the nearest bar so that the intermediary would pass it to the right place. Then he left, and on the same evening he got a call on the intercom, he went downstairs and took out 270 bucks from the mailbox. This was the reward for the work. He was paid 10% of the declared value of the goods.

Impunity gratifies pride, and already next week our hero receives a call from the FedEx service. A new package has arrived. Already almost 4 thousand green. It was difficult to miss the profit of 400 bucks, and Ilya arrived at the Fedex branch. But there it was specifically broken off: the bureaucrats demanded 50% of the cost of the parcel for customs clearance. Reasonably estimating, he refused the parcel. And I called the curator Maxx'y. We decided that it would be better to refuse the ordered product. So they decided by sending it back to the owners of the store in the Internet. But life is a striped thing, and after a couple of days a notification of the arrival of a new package arrives. Everything turned out to be clean, and the duty was minimal. Together with another carder, Pasha, they arrived at the office. We paid the duty in the Savings Bank in the amount of 60 Baku. Everything was like clockwork, but only after receiving the package, Ilya met with the employees of the UEP.

The unlucky carder got two boxes of dim brains. And now, already rejoicing at the new freebie, he issued a receipt and entered the elevator. It was there that the UEP intercepted him. They thoroughly knew the technology of carders and immediately asked our carder about the accomplices. An accomplice was Pasha, who was involved in a similar case about playing with credit cards. He was waiting for him in the car, downstairs, at the entrance to the office. Pasha was taken in the same way. The operas were surprised enough to see an old acquaintance. Then everyone proceeded to the UEP department. Before receiving the goods, Ilya decided that this cargo would be the last, and from next year he would go to study at the Russian State Humanitarian University. Obviously it didn't work out…


I will make some remarks from myself. The knock about using left-handed credit came from the VISA Austria sharaga. From the name it is clear that she is engaged in the processing and registration of cards in Austria. To the depths of their souls, they were surprised by the purchases made by "unknown Russians" through cards registered with them. The observed operation took place through the map of a certain Brigit Leiter. And what is most interesting - the card number became known. It was 45481428297013, with an expiration date of January two thousandth. For Visa, this incident was not the first, let alone the last, but the bank made a decision to appeal to the security forces. Which is bold enough on his part, since information about thefts from his own clients is not the best advertisement. But the decision was made, and in the Moscow office of the Visa they wrote a corresponding application to the valiant police.

We can separately say about the numbers, because it was a rare case when the generator was able to find a working number. Through this number they dragged to a fig of purchases, received parcels in Moscow - mostly component parts. The purchases were made at the popular online boutique Mikromak, known for its low credit information requirements. Prior to that, other good for 10 skew bucks was bought through Mikromak. If you hang out in hacker chats or bbsk, you could see this credit number. Some naive people try to buy accounts on porn sites through this card to this day. But they do not know that a separate log is carefully kept for this number.

The one that Pasha

Let me remind you that Pasha was taken along with Ilya. While he was going through a similar case. And the whole story began after he ordered 10 bucks of computer brains in his name. There was a sweet time when the security level of online stores was low. And transactions were freely conducted on generated, non-existent credit cards. But that's why they are generated, that they did not exist. And, accordingly, the Internet hucksters were very surprised to notice the ruddy zeros instead of the promised ten pieces. Straining their brains for a long time, they cut the counter that the Russian boy Pashka threw them through the bolt. The bourgeoisie went into convulsions with anger and quickly scribbled a denunciation in VISA. And there they raised the alarm for the Moscow UEP. About half a year passed between the hack and the capture of the carder. And in early March, early in the morning, they came for Pasha. They took something, but where is the evidence? But there was evidence. And the fact that the package came in his name, and home address, and that the anonymous proxy, in fact, turned out to be rather weak. But at first, only the investigation began. The trial was adjourned for lack of documents and evidence. But, after the second detention at the FedEx office, the facts were on the face, and the operas had enough docks and faxes for a long detention. And on November 18, 98, the trial took place. There were practically no precedents for such cases, but nevertheless it was possible to find Pasha guilty under the then Article 159, part three - large-scale fraud. UEP was expecting a serious term for the carder. And they waited - 5 years. True, conditionally. But if someone thinks that conventionally - garbage, then they are cruelly mistaken. Those who do not believe can open their own Criminal Code.

Little Tsaches Hoffman

Once I was sitting in a chat, and one person asked me: who is a carder? It was difficult for me to answer. I have already said that I do not classify fans of boobs obtained through left-wing credits. Then who? Those like children come across when you receive a parcel? It seems not either. But then I remembered about a cool hacker who was directly involved with credits. Our bald media sang songs to Vladimir Levin, who in fact did not break anything, but around the same time another hacker became widely known. That's what I wanted to tell about his tricks.

Ilya Goffman. This is a difficult case. Unlike most other hacks related to credits, everything was very clever here. Initially, there was much stronger ground for quality carding. If earlier the scheme was simple: credit number - online - mail, here everything was twisted more cunningly. To get a number, you have to go to chats for a long time or test the generated numbers. A gimmicky thing. Realizing this, Hoffman set about developing an online store. He was a smart kid and quickly figured out what was what. After breaking into the local area, the store knelt down. The transaction database was captured, all software was downloaded and administrator rights were obtained. And what would you do if such happiness came? Ilya turned out to be not more original than you and decided to cut off a lot of money from the burglary. But not directly, throwing all the money off the store's accounts, but more cunning. As an administrator, he could control and distribute the amounts that the store operated with. And the sums, believe me, were considerable. And now every transaction did not go through without deducting "tribute". Or rather - without additional debiting extra bucks from the client's account. And, drop by drop, the money floated to Moscow, only not directly to Ilya, but through the dummies.

Volodya, a dude from Mytishchi, turned out to be such a dummy. To get the dough, he got a real credit card in one of the Moscow banks. It is at this step that the chain of logic is interrupted - after all, officially Volodya received only his small salary on the card. And in the bank, looking through the logs of operations, they saw that a lot of money passes through this card. And instead of receiving interest on the amount, the client immediately cashes out green ones. And again, the UEP goes to visit the newly-minted carder. But the little man quickly breaks down and points to a certain Artyom. Artyom was part of the link that was responsible for cashing bucks from Volodya's card. For which he was owed 40% of the amount written off. And having withdrawn the loot from an ATM or buying an expensive thing in a store, he had to call Hoffman on his mobile and report the supposed place where the loot would be. But Hoffman has never received money from Artyom yet and in fact remained only a tough hacker.

As a hacker, he was known as Spybul and worked according to the following scheme. The client paid for the purchase online from his card, and the selected product was sent to him. But Spybul imitated the program's error and wrote off a few extra bucks, and then, on behalf of the store, sent it. Only not to the client, but to Volodya's card from Mytishchi. Due to the large number of orders, the store did not notice the betrayal. And the client would not go to the bank because of the loss of 10 bucks.

Everything turned out smoothly with the bourgeoisie, but, as I wrote, this betrayal was discovered in Moscow. And after a long investigation, a logical chain of relationships between carders was built. The final one turned out to be Hoffman aka Spybul. He was detained while receiving bucks from Artyom. After the arrest he was placed you know where. Where he, alas, is to this day. He was convicted under the filthy article 159. Up to 10 years old. Despite numerous petitions, his fate remains unknown. More precisely, the infamous one.

Two Brothers Acrobats

In a carder environment, relationships are built quite rigidly, and all sorts of calf tenderness are not allowed. Here lived two brothers, Sergey and Dima. The first studied at the 5th year at the university and was already preparing a diploma. And the second was younger and studied in a techie. For obvious reasons, there were not enough attendants. But the guys are young - and I want to hang out, and girls, and have a fancy computer. If in order to hang out and have girls, grandmothers are not needed so much, then the upgrade flies to a fig of greens. Here is the upgrade and pushed the bros to carding.

It was then that the boom of Trojans began, trying to hack dailup passwords. And in this matter the brothers succeeded, having intercepted more than two hundred logins. Subsequently, we created a database and gave passwords on request. Passwords for cool asec numbers, passwords for XXX, spam sheets were changed. And credit card numbers. And one day we managed to get hold of a card number issued by a large Swedish bank. There were up to a fig of bucks on the map, and the brothers began to actively write them off from the account. First, we got members on big porn sites, then we bought ourselves .net and .com addresses. But all this freebie seemed too virtual to them. And I wanted something more tangible. It was then that they remembered that it would be time to replace the old stump with the newfangled P !!!. So we decided, ordering besides him 2 mothers from Asus, Vodoo3, Sb live! and other good. Total - one and a half pieces of herbs. Their order came quickly, and, following all the rules of conspiracy, they received the pieces of iron at the post office. Freely gone. And, having unpacked the intercepted goods, they began to upgrade their car. And everything is tweezers.

The craving for upgrades for them will subsequently prove fatal. But while the brothers sit and enjoy the new iron horse. They even forgot about the card numbers and their tricks. Although it was in the spring, and spring is a difficult thing. And the youngest bratello climbed for love on porn sites. Where I registered an account with the same credit with which the hardware was purchased. But a week later, a request came to Moscow about 50 bucks, which the youngest left to the women. It turned out that the real cardholder is the owner of a computer store and often places orders in online stores himself. So often that his purchases become chaotic. And, having received an invoice for purchases, which he himself did not do, he postponed it until better times. But when he saw the notice of the membership fee for the voyeur club, he sounded the alarm. I came to my bank, where I explained the state of affairs. They understood everything and made a request to the VISA security department. Where did the information come from that the operations with the Swede's credit card originated from Russia. And the local prosecutor's office turned to the Russian one. By this time, our Ministry of Internal Affairs got used to this problem and started looking for carders. But the local wanted list is deadlocked. Taking some student of a music school to the monkey house, they took her computer with her. The thing turned out to be that after passing several proxies, shoulder straps saw a dynamic IP address issued under the login of the detained girl.

The girl really turned out to be an Internet girl, but she had never heard of carders. They believed her, having caught a couple of Trojans on her screw. You already understood that her password was trashed, and the purchase of hardware took place under her login.

Break. Further communication with real carders is interrupted. But one cunning opera suggested digging up the mail, which was used to send passwords after the Trojan was launched. After some simple manipulations, they did it. Soap was revealed on a free server. And what does it give? Nothing? You're wrong. Then the operas quickly wrote a letter to this soap with a proposal to exchange passwords for new credit card numbers. And one of the brothers, looking through passwords from suckers, noticed this letter. And even answered him. All. I got it. Having looked through the header of the letter, they bit out his IP address. Further, it was not difficult to obtain information about its owner. It turned out to be the elder brother Sergey. He had a bad habit of checking mail through his own username. In the registration, he indicated his real data and phone number…

A day later they came for him. But the police had nothing on their hands except a search warrant and vague assumptions. But 72 hours of detention are permitted by law. And during this time they began to diligently study him and his computer. They found nothing at first. And Sergey himself was encrypted for a long time under the sucker, and he kept all the hacker programs and docks on a separate removable screw. You will not dig in. But the operas recalled that the first purchase was the mother and the percent. And they climbed to check the postal details. That's all. Everything coincided. The serial numbers of the mother and vidyuhi turned out to be the same as those sold online. All clear?

It's not over yet. But the picture is not the best. After all, in addition to playing with cards, he will obviously be stuck on Article 272 for stealing passwords. Only the elder brother is involved in the case, and the younger is a witness. There is, of course, the hope that the elder will be given "conditional", but this, again, is unknown.

The moral of this fable is this:

Well, what the hell is morality? The easiest way is not to play with other people's money and make money in a more peaceful way!


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How not to be caught by the FBI. Tips from the Darknet.


Hello everyone, friends and comrades. Today's link, which will be published, is a reason for pride, because here you can find the information that professionals rarely speak about, and noobs have read only in books.

Mysteriously, the OnionLand forum was not exposed on any other sites other than DeepLink, DH, etc. But in the web-archive of the "Hidden Service" subreddit for 2017 (yes, sometimes it is necessary to climb into such derbies) it is very much even there.

Now to the point. Onionland doesn't boast a great online experience, but it has more than a damn number of registered users. And here there is a section "Darknet Class", where in 9 parts the psychology of behavior in the darknet community is described, the process of working in the black hat field, how to work with low, medium or high income from fraud and what the Mephistopheles Protocol is.

The best material that has not lost its relevance in 2 years. It is a pity that the forum is now in decline.
