What are Antibots ?


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Antibots are so called Bots which will analyze websites like google, yahoo etc for marketing shit and for security.

Popular sites like spamhaus, phishtank and google created so called "crawlers" which search the whole world wide web for sites which contains:
▪️ Phishing
▪️ Malware
▪️ Suspicious Activity
and more.

These crawlers are hunting the web with different search queries and hope to find some results. Some people created a solution for avoiding these crawlers - robots.txt.

But as we could assume, this didn't like the companies, so they got smarter, and created humanized bots with normal-looking user agents.

Only, with a DNS query or reverse IP, you can see what kind of visitor is visiting this page. That's why the antibots were programmed in PHP. Numerous arrays (so called lists) with regular epxressions, e.g. 19.123.3.* were created to switch off and forward whole IP ranges.

It is always a race against time until the companies create new bots with more and more unknown user agents and even with different IP addresses.

For example, you can test the antibots of a phishing site in the following way:
▪️ Virustotal.com analysis (0 detections = ✅)
▪️ Host and create traffic (14 days no red = ✅)

Some people also thought to create more and more sites that catch bot IPs and are now selling databases of BOT IP addresses such as antibot.pw, killbot, etc.

❗️Let me just say this:

No matter IP or not... most of the time bots use headless-browser, means without header. You can do browser fingerprinting with simple JavaScript and save expensive API keys from bots databases.


✔️ What is a web crawler (cloudflare):

✔️ Web Crawler 101: What Is a Web Crawler and How Crawlers Work?

✔️What Is Bot Traffic?

✔️ Bot Detection: How to identify and block bot traffic