What a carder looks like: a psychological portrait of a swindler


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Carding in terms of quantity ranks second in the capital - theft is firmly established in first place. As you know, in popular culture, swindlers are often presented as intellectuals with good taste and Robin Hood habits.

Veronika Krapukhina, head of the psychological service department of the department of moral and psychological support of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District, told reporters what a carder actually looks like and what needs to be done to get rid of his persistent attention.

Psychological portrait of a carder​

A carder is always a thief and a liar, therefore he has the following properties - not innate, but acquired:
  • secrecy;
  • closedness;
  • theatricalization.
He is prone to transformation, and does not rehearse his actions.

The swindler has a very high intellectual level, albeit in a criminal sense: he likes to calculate options, he likes it, and he gets bored with the same thing and is looking for creativity, he wants to be a leader in his field, he wants to monopolize.

He has an agile mind, meaning he can quickly solve problems. At the same time, he is characterized by a high level of anxiety: not a single swindler will go to the end if he is not 100 percent sure that everything will go smoothly. This is perhaps its most striking distinguishing feature.

The carder initially goes towards degradation, and this begins not at a conscious age, but at school and kindergarten, when you can see the features of a child prone to lying and stealing. He does this on purpose - not in order to avoid punishment, but in order to accomplish something.

Carders are selfish and closed people by nature. To contain such social qualities, they have to resort to alcohol and drugs. Most often they get to this point because they understand their role as an alien, that they are socially unacceptable.

For all his criminal nature, the carder will not go against the person: he is vulnerable to serious crimes and will never attack - if it is a burglary and the owners come, then it is not easy for him to take up a knife.

Portrait of a deceived​

There are always two sides to a carding, and the portrait of a carder would be incomplete without a portrait of the victim. There is always something in a deceived person that makes him similar to a criminal: for example, a thirst for profit. The swindler plays on the fact that a person wants to get something cheaply or for free, quickly and without putting in any effort.

Laziness is one of the main reasons why victims become victims. Too lazy to find out details, too lazy to go somewhere, too lazy to ask. Plus curiosity and inquisitiveness - carders intrigue, fascinate, they speak in such a way that the victim is interested in how it will end. Cheap, fast, easy and prestigious - the victim is led to these words, and if he has a craving for adventure, a minimum of self-control, he is gullible, infantile and short-sighted, then another case falls on the investigator’s desk.

How to resist carders​

Before making a decision on a cheap or even free service, you need to wait time: wait, call, find out the price, make inquiries, and the carders will not communicate. You can also pretend that you are bored and uninterested; the carder will then stop communicating.

In addition to caution, vigilance will not hurt: if you feel that you are being pushed - “two days left”, “the store is closing” and so on - you are forced to make a decision, and here the same scheme: wait, consult.

Professional carders make good use of psychological carding methods - for example, induction into a trance. You are walking down the street in your thoughts, and at that moment they adapt to it and ask for help. Out of surprise, you begin to help him - the swindler is counting on four "yes" in total, for this he asks you basic things - how to get to the store, for example. He begins to thank you and offer something, of course, for free, and you understand that something is going wrong, but now you are already without money.

There is also tactile contact, which, for example, gypsies love: they need to touch the victim. It’s unpleasant for you, you begin to feel embarrassed, but you can’t run away - your upbringing doesn’t allow it. During the conversation, they adapt to your posture, manner of speaking and even the rate of breathing. Then it’s a matter of technique, and now you’re already in a trance.

Here you just need to switch your attention: make an effort on yourself and call a friend, pay attention to the place where you are standing, and the carder will lose contact, you will have to build everything again. The most optimal thing, of course, is to turn around and leave or not talk to suspicious people at all.

It is also important to note that education plays a role in confronting carders: some mothers forbid their children to behave naturally on the street, that is, to make noise and shout. A person grows up shy, and in a crisis situation he will not be able to call for help. So we need to raise children to be more liberated.

(c) https://www.m24.ru/articles/afery/16062016/107855