We continue to search for a carder partner for joint carding


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Motivation, labor productivity, trust, approach to work, common values - all these criteria help plan the development of a partner carding. Of course, how important it is to choose a carder based on them depends on the specifics of the carding.

What motivates a candidate?​

What could be a better motivation than profit? Just the realization that carding helps carders. New experience, social status and useful connections are only a consequence of future successes that will become possible if you stop thinking only about money and devote yourself wholeheartedly to your business.

Therefore, when choosing a carder partner, you should pay attention to what motivates a person and why he wants to go into carding. It is the one who is committed to self-realization through his own business who will be a suitable candidate.

How open is he to change?​

According to the laws of psychology, everything new is perceived by a person with some degree of resistance, so it is worth paying attention to how a potential carder partner feels about changes.

The fact is that everything that worked five years ago does not work today. Everything changes so quickly that a carder needs to be as flexible and receptive to change and new technologies as possible. You need to not only find information, but use it immediately. Only then will the carding develop and not die. So a person is unlikely to become an equal partner if he does not respond to changes in marketing, automation, financial accounting and calculation of investment performance, etc.

What approaches to work are close to him?​

A carder is suitable for you if his thoughts are aimed at solving complex problems, and not at searching for problems and insoluble situations. In order to find out, you just need to have a heart-to-heart chat in Telegram or Jabber.

Ask questions, put your interlocutor in potentially difficult situations and observe their reactions and answers. If this format is not suitable, and the interlocutor already has experience in carding, then ask about it, because there are so many interesting stories hidden behind the scenes of implemented projects.

How much effort are you willing to invest in a common cause?​

When starting your own business, everyone has different understandings of the level of workload, involvement in the process and the number of working hours. From the screens of phones and laptops there is active propaganda of the free lifestyle of a successful businessman who makes a couple of entries a day and travels all year round to exotic countries.

This development of events takes place, but at the very beginning you will have to work hard and persistently to achieve results. The owner needs to work harder than anyone else and think about ways to solve business problems day and night, sometimes stopping to sleep. And in the end, the result you are counting on will be achieved.

What values should​

Today, in the era of consumption, we believe that carding should be environmentally friendly. This means that the carder’s task is to provide a service that is truly necessary and useful, one that will help change something for the better, and not just make money from it. Carders often feel when they are trying to deceive them and reduce all manipulations to a banal money grab. And only in your power to offer a carder a truly high-quality service that he would want to pay for.

Only three stages separate you from understanding who your potential partner is: preliminary preparation, conversation and conclusions. First, you can study the information that is abundantly available on the carding forums. Carders with experience in carding personalities always lead an active online life.

If there is enough information resource, then in this case you can even apply the SWOT analysis method. This can be an analysis of both a personal brand and information about an existing company. Such information preparation will help build personal communication and ask the right questions.

To select a suitable carder partner, as in sales, you need to build a funnel with a fairly wide entry zone, and then communicate as much as possible. This can be done over a online in any convenient place. Ask the carder as many questions as possible, be interested in his personal views on life and carding. First of all, you should enjoy communicating, because this is the key to effective communication in the future.

In order to draw conclusions and make a final decision, it is necessary to write down all the remembered details after the face-to-face in online meeting. A kind of list of “pros” and “cons” will help you make a competent conclusion, based not only on emotions from communication, but also taking into account the facts.

To find a reliable carder partner, you need:
  1. Determine the carder's motivation. What motivates him? If he is only interested in money, then most likely you are not on the same path.
  2. Determine how much a potential partner trusts you. Is he ready to listen to your advice? If not, you should continue looking for a carder partner.
  3. Determine his tactics of behavior in difficult situations. If a potential business ally becomes aggressive in response to a provocative question, then you should consider whether he is a good fit for you.
  4. Determine whether the partner is ready to make great efforts at the very beginning of the journey. If two work calls a day is his limit, would it make sense for you to continue working with him?
  5. Determine whether he is ready to follow the carder's values. After all, to be one step closer to success, you need to believe in what you are doing.