We breed scam cops


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Today we have a scheme for the most daring, but of course, only for familiarization purposes.

Further from the author's words:

Who are we going to throw? I answer corrupt reds \ cops\pharaohs\cops\garbage, but whatever you want to call it.

Who can work on it? Serious, men, with life experience (yes, it's men, not guys) who have eggs with a ton. If you suddenly served in the army before, it will be a serious plus.

Talented artists of the conversational genre can also challenge themselves, but you will have to configure the software to change your voice.

1. We go to the forums\sites\vkontakte groups, where the terpils whine that the cops in their case do not do a fucking thing at all\write unsubscriptions\do not excite ud in any way\ mock and say the sucker himself that the money is not clear to whom he transferred. How many such records are there on the Internet? that's right more and more.

Important! It is not superfluous to study the forum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs well in order to understand a little the specifics of cop work and modify the topic better.

2. We write such a patient a message in which we introduce ourselves as employees of the prosecutor's office, saying that you are concerned about the senior adviser of justice blah blah and say that you want to help them and get the cops to work on their case, take the phone number\call, or immediately call if the phone number is indicated.

In the conversation, we need to find out the following information:
  • The number of the police department they went to and their location. Type of police department No. 66 in the Central district of the city of Govnoburg. Next, we need to find out all the information on the cop who took them first name, last name, patronymic, title, contact phone number (usually they call the patients themselves), well, you understand, well, if possible, full name, title of the head of the cop. Usually, all this information is listed on pieces of paper \ unsubscriptions that are sent to terpilam by mail.
  • Then the Internet will help us, we study all sorts of information about the department and people we need on the sites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, forums\groups in social networks. social networks\mass media, etc. Normal breakdown. The more information we collect, the more successful our scheme will be. For example, it would be ideal to find out that the Uesosenko opera has some serious service shoals listed.
  • A very important point! The more property damage you suffer, the better. It will also be a huge plus if the patient was recently rejected.

3. The security of this theme is like never before in your life, namely an android phone, which has never had not only your personal SIM cards, this is clear to fool, but even fucking any left-hand sim cards that you used earlier in your themes.
  • Next, debit to the drop. Keep in mind that users can later put not only a Drop, but also the card seller, so you need to get the card as anonymously as possible. Voice change is optional\ we need the voice of an adult man 45-50 years old, rough, low, angry, in the edge of well, you understand.
  • To connect to the network, we use any wifi point, the further it is from your actual place of residence,the better. For calls, we use the sip account on the left scan.

4. Well, the circus itself. Let's call our opera house. The dialog is as follows.

"Alo, who is this?"

- Andrey Vasilyevich Pidorasenko?

"Yes, I'm listening."

- Well, hello, fucking Mil Sokol, you are concerned about Major \ Colonel\ General Alexey Ivanovich Pizdorez from Glavka (you are represented by any serious garbage from the main directorate of this city, it will not be difficult to find real names of surnames on the Internet)You're all fucking scum in your department, aren't you?

- What, who, yes we don't...

- Well, I see, absolutely fucking, extremely, you don't see the coast at all, well, I'll explain to you now, you bastard, what's what.

- you're talking about cheey voob...

"You remember Terpila the fucking bitch, Valerian Valeryevich of Lokhovskaya.

- Yes, it seems that he was accepted as expected.

- Fuck you in the mouth of a bitch is supposed to, warned your faggots, personally called your boss, said, fucking, suffered important, you need to take the appropriate way.

"We're normal..

- NO. well, you're a fucking complete fucker, you'll still object to something here. You that fucking SAT a little fucked for your fucking shoals (+50% to the success of the topic, if you list the specific shoals of the cop that you found) we gave you a faggot an excuse, we fucking brought him up, we thought he was normal, he would be re-educated, but you nit still gets tired, all normal people fucking want to give a shit.


- Listen here, scum, your patient, whom you fuck sent son\daughter\sister\matchmaker\brother of Ivan Mikhailovich (call some super-important big shot known in this city\country)Do you even realize that you didn't just fucking hurt a person, you gave a shit in their soul?

"Well, I did...

- Well, you just fucked me up, you bastard, I explain to you in a specific Russian language, you took a shit in the soul of a good person and now you're fucked. The only question is whether to let you fucker in full expense or partial.

"Alexey Ivanovich, for God's sake forgive me. this won't happen again.

"What the fuck doesn't happen again, you've already fucked up your whole fucking life."

- Well, it won't happen again, I swear to my mother, please forgive me.

- Okay, listen here, little bitch, here's the card number, I'm waiting for the transfer of 500k rubles (although you can charge more in theory) until the evening,this will be your compensation for moral damage to decent people.

"Compensation?" but I don't have any money.

- Yes,I don't give a fuck, you'll find fucking operas, not a dick in the bank, and remember, we'll talk to your main one separately, this nit will probably start calling his patrons upstairs right now if you go knock on him now, you cunt, asshole. Just fucking write down the card number.

- I write down 666-777-444-333

- I wrote down, well done, epta, how to solve the problem with the money, call terpila, apologize and invite him to the reception at any time convenient for him. I'll meet with him personally later and ask him everything.
  • This dialog is just my imagination, there are many variations here. The main principle is that the caller's voice should inspire terror and awe in the entire police station.
  • A significant point, the cop is likely to shit himself and go to cry to his boss, and he will either neigh like a horse over a subordinate, or he will shit himself a little and go to punch through his channels what kind of story this is.
  • Alternatively, you can call the boss and breed it.

5. Scaling the theme. We make a serious mess of law enforcement agencies, restore social justice, and distribute money to the poor and poor. I wouldn't be surprised if your ATMs start exploding when you cash out.

It was interesting to read, but there are so many nuances that you can't even list them. Viability of the theme at the baseboard level.

BUT, on the other hand, I find it possible to break down some particularly corrupt official for several million dollars in such a makar, although of course the SE should be higher than the sky.