Ways to change appearance and disguise


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I often come across arguments related to changing the appearance and / or bypassing video surveillance systems. I will say the following: it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the scope of the "appearance change" and "bypass syst em CCTV". I will mention only the first, because the second - very often - is superfluous. In order to walk past the video surveillance cameras at the place of doing something, to walk past the concierge when you have done something, to use an ATM anonymously and much, much more, changing "yourself" is enough.

Change of appearance

Determine where your skin will be visible to strangers. It is worth dyeing the skin with a margin, because accidentally seen by someone the contour of "inconsistency" (the border of dyed and unpainted skin) will give you away, as they say, with giblets. Therefore, if you expect that if only the hands will be visible on the hands, then paint the forearms. If you want to be darker, use a high-quality self-tanner; lighter - a weak foundation, or special whitening cosmetics, for example, the line of the Israeli company Fresh look.

Create facial imperfections - if there are none; remove facial defects - if any.

There are moles - paint over. No - use an eyeliner, you can create some more acne - for this, a pencil (a contour that seems to be) for lips is suitable. Suitable for creating scars: Kryolan Tuplast in tubes; latex mixed with aerosil; BF-6 glue and baby powder (as a filler). A scar can be made from a silicone tube plate and the same BF. A little touch-up with pencils. Wrinkles and an old face are created using wet toilet paper.

Everything is clear here: glasses, lenses. Diopter glasses can change the shape of the face, of course, only visually. To radically change the eyes, you can use colored contact lenses + thick glasses. Eyebrows can be brightened by dyeing them in a richer color. You can create and so-called. monobrow, but for this it is worth using the method of transferring hair, for example, from the hands. There are also false eyelashes.

The teeth can be covered with brown color - a kind of rotten; black - knocked out teeth, missing teeth. You can use yellow candy foil; the wrapped tooth is almost indistinguishable from the insert gold.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity: half a jaw in gold is an excess in disguise.

A good tambour wig will perfectly change your hairline, it is worth noting that it costs much more than regular, cheap wigs. Once done, shave your head or otherwise radically change your hairstyle. Fake mustaches and beards are sold in various theater salons - buy them carefully and use them. If this is not possible, but there is a dense cover on the body (arms, legs, chest, back) - use it. Gently, in small fragments, transfer the hair to the face in the necessary places. For this, use cosmetic tweezers and glue, for example, BF-6. Pasted - trimmed, trimmed.

Particular attention to the ears - by their shape, a person can be completely identified. Cover them with hair, hat brim, bandana. Or glue them with superglue to the skin behind the ears. If the ears are protruding, glue them to the head, use a thin layer of glue. Use clips to simulate piercings, draw black dots on the lobes to simulate the so-called. "tunnels", of course, the minimum diameter

To change your gait, put a small piece of iron in your shoes, you will limp.

Use special corsets that you can buy at the pharmacy - this way you can change your posture and body contour.

Try to use double-sided clothing, because if something happens, you can instantly "change". In some situations, it is worth paying attention to the uniform, but this is a separate conversation. Clothes, of course, must be disposable and purchased, for example, in a second-hand shop.

Any headdress, from a cap to a bandana, complicates subsequent identification and affects the perception of the oval of the face by others. Pay attention to any uniform . It depersonalizes . Depending on the object, the form of peddlers, cable guards, couriers of flower markets is suitable. The form of guards can subconsciously alert others, therefore it is used less often. Tracksuits are used as one of the budget camouflage options (avoid red color, it unnecessarily stands out from the crowd)

I recommend making a video recording of your actions in camouflage.
Subsequent review will correct the inevitable minor mistakes. The non-flesh-colored patch on the face attracts more attention than the shape of the nose or cheekbones. Try to position the patch so that it does not look like a trauma after a fight (cheek, nose, lip) This shifts the person's attention away from your appearance to thinking and the nature of the injury. Avoid harsh perfumes and colognes. It is not advisable to use expensive ones (from $ 300), even if you are used to them. Affects the subconscious perception and draws strong attention to itself. The most harmless in your hands will look like a plastic bag from the grocery market.

Disguise is an art that blends into the background, so there is no universal recipe. Watch people in queues, shops, on the street, mark what you personally remember the most and exclude it from your outfit.