Wasted more than 500$ never made profit

Bob Esponja

Reaction score
I'm always getting transaction declined. I only get vague answers to my questions and always have questions left answered. All I need is :

1. A list of non-VBV bins that are in states you can find with proxy-seller.com IP adresses
2. An easily cardable website and a method for that site as well as a method to make profit off the card
3. A shop that sells the bins mentionned earlier
4. To understand why the fuck is it that my cards ALWAYS get declined ? I tried on a website to book flights with a proxy, same timezone on my PC, cleaned cookies, typed everything by hand and even had a non-vbv bin. I know the card is not the problem. I bought more than 15 cards and the transactions ALWAYS get declined, no matter the site.

I'm starting to think that it's literally impossible in 2023 to card unless the victim is fucking retarded. I guess you could use an OTP bot to trick them into giving you the OTP but I'm sure nobody is gonna fall for that. People on here claim that you can just use socks 5 to do the transaction but I'm pretty sure that if you're using an IP adress or computer that are different from what the victim usually shop on then it automatically triggers OTP, even if you used a BIN that is rumored to be non-VBV.

I don't get it. Carding used to be WAY EASIER. More than 3 years ago all I had to do was get a card from fe-shop and I could literally make order go through on Ebay using Tor. Did cybersecurity increase that much ?

I understand that I have to make my own research and that I have to figure some things my own but I'm down 500$ and it's sad because I know there are a lot of people out there making bank out of this and they could help me tremendously if they just spent 10 minutes answering my questions precisely, but I'm always met with enigmatic answers or outdated information.

You probably don't owe me anything and it's foolish of me to expect altruism in an environment where we literally fuck over innocent people for monetary gain, but all I'm asking for is the last tips necessary for me to finally be a successful carder. I've progressed so much and learned so much. Not too along ago I managed to make an order but it got cancelled. It was this close. I do everything according to the book and my transactions ALWAYS get refused.
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Reaction score
I'm always getting transaction declined. I only get vague answers to my questions and always have questions left answered. All I need is :

1. A list of non-VBV bins that are in states you can find with proxy-seller.com IP adresses
2. An easily cardable website and a method for that site as well as a method to make profit off the card
3. A shop that sells the bins mentionned earlier
4. To understand why the fuck is it that my cards ALWAYS get declined ? I tried on a website to book flights with a proxy, same timezone on my PC, cleaned cookies, typed everything by hand and even had a non-vbv bin. I know the card is not the problem. I bought more than 15 cards and the transactions ALWAYS get declined, no matter the site.

I'm starting to think that it's literally impossible in 2023 to card unless the victim is fucking retarded. I guess you could use an OTP bot to trick them into giving you the OTP but I'm sure nobody is gonna fall for that. People on here claim that you can just use socks 5 to do the transaction but I'm pretty sure that if you're using an IP adress or computer that are different from what the victim usually shop on then it automatically triggers OTP, even if you used a BIN that is rumored to be non-VBV.

I don't get it. Carding used to be WAY EASIER. More than 3 years ago all I had to do was get a card from fe-shop and I could literally make order go through on Ebay using Tor. Did cybersecurity increase that much ?

I understand that I have to make my own research and that I have to figure some things my own but I'm down 500$ and it's sad because I know there are a lot of people out there making bank out of this and they could help me tremendously if they just spent 10 minutes answering my questions precisely, but I'm always met with enigmatic answers or outdated information.

You probably don't owe me anything and it's foolish of me to expect altruism in an environment where we literally fuck over innocent people for monetary gain, but all I'm asking for is the last tips necessary for me to finally be a successful carder. I've progressed so much and learned so much. Not too along ago I managed to make an order but it got cancelled. It was this close. I do everything according to the book and my transactions ALWAYS get refused.
Привет. У меня точно такая же ситуация. Перечитал всё и везде. Практиковался, тратил $. Купил курс. Но всё равно везде decline. Если какой нибудь профессионал поможет в этом хоть какой нибудь инфой, я так же как и ты буду очень благодарен! Я понимаю, что никто никому ничего не обязан. Но всё таки надеюсь, что кто нибудь подскажет что мы делаем не правильно.


Reaction score
Same , although in just down 13 USD, thing is you need to do a lot of research... I'll upload a file of what I've been up to and what I've found out... it's better to pool brain power than waste time bickering that the pros don't help out


Reaction score
Here's what I can post today, I'm tired, PW is 12345678910 I'll try to post tomorrow.

Bob Esponja

Reaction score
Here's what I can post today, I'm tired, PW is 12345678910 I'll try to post tomorrow.
Idk what this is the password for, but all I'm gonna say is that I suspect this forum is just a way to sell a false dream to make a profit through selling cards or other services. Most of the information that is posted daily is irrelevant to actually carding (you'll see a lot of bots posting threads that don't help carding at all, they'll talk about things related to fraud but now how to actually commit it, and if they do tell you how to commit it they're giving you outdated information), and if it is relevant it is a pain in the ass to find since the search function isn't that precise. Odds are carding probably is real and can be very lucrative, but odds are that the actual important information or methods that actually do work are well hidden as to not get revealed and rendered useless because everybody abused them. I could theorically waste more money and invest more time looking up for more information until the puzzle is finally assembled, but I have fucking bills to pay. This isn't the early 2000's anymore, cyber security got better. Imo the best way to profit off of that shit is to find a good shop with weak cards. Back in the days I was using fe-shop and some of their cards were dead but some of them had more than 400$ on them and I could literally card on fucking Tor without raising any eyebrows. Ever since fe-shop got fucked by the feds I've been through many shops but their cards were weak as fuck. So I'm thinking the card is actually the most important thing here, not your IP adress. I am 200% convinced that Brian's Club probably has the best cards in the market, but it has a 100$ inscription fee I believe. Like I said, can't be fucked. If someone here truly knew how to card on the regular and without any effort, they would get staright to the point and give you information that is up to date, so they either dont give a shit enough to get into the details (which is understandable), or they're larping as carders while they actually have 0 skills, and that's fucking sad imo. Forgot the mention the myriad of rippers or carding fetishists that will pretend to be your friend but then will try to make money on your back (boohoo, I know) or selling you garbo information you can find for free. Like jesus man just help a nigga out, I just wanna figure this thing out so I can finance my hooker addiction I'm not even trying to be rich off it.

You mentionned pooling information. My DMs are open, I took a lot of notes.
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Reaction score
Idk what this is the password for, but all I'm gonna say is that I suspect this forum is just a way to sell a false dream to make a profit through selling cards or other services. Most of the information that is posted daily is irrelevant to actually carding (you'll see a lot of bots posting threads that don't help carding at all, they'll talk about things related to fraud but now how to actually commit it, and if they do tell you how to commit it they're giving you outdated information), and if it is relevant it is a pain in the ass to find since the search function isn't that precise. Odds are carding probably is real and can be very lucrative, but odds are that the actual important information or methods that actually do work are well hidden as to not get revealed and rendered useless because everybody abused them. I could theorically waste more money and invest more time looking up for more information until the puzzle is finally assembled, but I have fucking bills to pay. This isn't the early 2000's anymore, cyber security got better. Imo the best way to profit off of that shit is to find a good shop with weak cards. Back in the days I was using fe-shop and some of their cards were dead but some of them had more than 400$ on them and I could literally card on fucking Tor without raising any eyebrows. Ever since fe-shop got fucked by the feds I've been through many shops but their cards were weak as fuck. So I'm thinking the card is actually the most important thing here, not your IP adress. I am 200% convinced that Brian's Club probably has the best cards in the market, but it has a 100$ inscription fee I believe. Like I said, can't be fucked. If someone here truly knew how to card on the regular and without any effort, they would get staright to the point and give you information that is up to date, so they either dont give a shit enough to get into the details (which is understandable), or they're larping as carders while they actually have 0 skills, and that's fucking sad imo. Forgot the mention the myriad of rippers or carding fetishists that will pretend to be your friend but then will try to make money on your back (boohoo, I know) or selling you garbo information you can find for free. Like jesus man just help a nigga out, I just wanna figure this thing out so I can finance my hooker addiction I'm not even trying to be rich off it.

You mentionned pooling information. My DMs are open, I took a lot of notes.
I feel you, but this is largely an open forum... no way anyone's gonna drop their methods today, it makes no sense honestly, and the notes I'm dropping aren't my methods either, they're stuff I've found out. And no don't burn cash on carding like you don't have bills to pay, it is frustrating. Are you sure the card shop is brainsclub.cm cos all others are a scam and scam markets are insanely up high in number these days , could link a cysec article that did an analysis on em , but yh on xss.is and reddit briansclub.cm is recommended and registration is 2 USD, if a card shop has high registration fee they've got no cards, or not enough, cos if they've truly hot enough it'll be burning their pockets to sell, have you tried Biden cash, what was your experience cos I found I card that I burnt through a rookie mistake


Reaction score
Idk what this is the password for, but all I'm gonna say is that I suspect this forum is just a way to sell a false dream to make a profit through selling cards or other services. Most of the information that is posted daily is irrelevant to actually carding (you'll see a lot of bots posting threads that don't help carding at all, they'll talk about things related to fraud but now how to actually commit it, and if they do tell you how to commit it they're giving you outdated information), and if it is relevant it is a pain in the ass to find since the search function isn't that precise. Odds are carding probably is real and can be very lucrative, but odds are that the actual important information or methods that actually do work are well hidden as to not get revealed and rendered useless because everybody abused them. I could theorically waste more money and invest more time looking up for more information until the puzzle is finally assembled, but I have fucking bills to pay. This isn't the early 2000's anymore, cyber security got better. Imo the best way to profit off of that shit is to find a good shop with weak cards. Back in the days I was using fe-shop and some of their cards were dead but some of them had more than 400$ on them and I could literally card on fucking Tor without raising any eyebrows. Ever since fe-shop got fucked by the feds I've been through many shops but their cards were weak as fuck. So I'm thinking the card is actually the most important thing here, not your IP adress. I am 200% convinced that Brian's Club probably has the best cards in the market, but it has a 100$ inscription fee I believe. Like I said, can't be fucked. If someone here truly knew how to card on the regular and without any effort, they would get staright to the point and give you information that is up to date, so they either dont give a shit enough to get into the details (which is understandable), or they're larping as carders while they actually have 0 skills, and that's fucking sad imo. Forgot the mention the myriad of rippers or carding fetishists that will pretend to be your friend but then will try to make money on your back (boohoo, I know) or selling you garbo information you can find for free. Like jesus man just help a nigga out, I just wanna figure this thing out so I can finance my hooker addiction I'm not even trying to be rich off it.

You mentionned pooling information. My DMs are open, I took a lot of notes.
But with your IP address, don't underestimate anti fraud systems these days.. shut is now freaking sophisticated due to high fraud rates during covid, your IP address, time zone, browser fingerprint, coarse location and other stuff matters ... they should be in the notes, also since the chargebavl for fraud is on merchants they've gotten crazy with the data they collect, using burpsuite with an ecommerce website will show you stuff that you didn't know they're collecting and pattern they might be matching on the back end. So yes, if you have a card that is good you might get flagged for fraud... I have not been given the VBV shit flag before... except by a Paypal card .. and all of em follow European standards ... the rest... well I usually fry my cards my self, and yh now's the time to do carding before the entire US picks up on 3dVS cos when they do...you'll have to intercept sms in some ways too oh and avoid credit cards... they will be flagged for egift cards, generally for card not present purchases

Bob Esponja

Reaction score
I'm not looking for methods per se, I just wanna why the fuck is it that my cards keep getting fucking declined. I'm not sure which brian club is the real one, I reckon there probably are clones that mimic the real website to phish people and steal their money. If I had to guess, the real one probably is the one that asks for the highest fee. Also there probably are millions and millions of stolen card datas online. It's easy for sellers to just sell them in bulk and not risk their asses. I did not try biden's cash.
I also am not underestimating anti-fraud systems, my whole point is that it's probably pointless to try carding if you're not skillful enough to manipulate the victim into giving you the OTP, as I believe anti-fraud probably got strong in the last 5 years. Either that, or the bins that I was using back in the days were amazing. I'm still clinging to the theory that the card is 90% of the equation

''nd yh now's the time to do carding before the entire US picks up on 3dVS''

That's what I'm saying. Nowadays you have to be very knowledgeable and smart. You have to think outside of the box and collude with experimented and knowledgeable people and probably need to learn some programming skills. I'm too mentally challenged for that.

''you'll have to intercept sms in some ways''

But is the victim gonna be retarded enough to get phished ? That's a gamble.


Reaction score
I'm not looking for methods per se, I just wanna why the fuck is it that my cards keep getting fucking declined. I'm not sure which brian club is the real one, I reckon there probably are clones that mimic the real website to phish people and steal their money. If I had to guess, the real one probably is the one that asks for the highest fee. Also there probably are millions and millions of stolen card datas online. It's easy for sellers to just sell them in bulk and not risk their asses. I did not try biden's cash.
I also am not underestimating anti-fraud systems, my whole point is that it's probably pointless to try carding if you're not skillful enough to manipulate the victim into giving you the OTP, as I believe anti-fraud probably got strong in the last 5 years. Either that, or the bins that I was using back in the days were amazing. I'm still clinging to the theory that the card is 90% of the equation

''nd yh now's the time to do carding before the entire US picks up on 3dVS''

That's what I'm saying. Nowadays you have to be very knowledgeable and smart. You have to think outside of the box and collude with experimented and knowledgeable people and probably need to learn some programming skills. I'm too mentally challenged for that.

''you'll have to intercept sms in some ways''

But is the victim gonna be retarded enough to get phished ? That's a gamble.
Not likely, you'll need to profile them to know how they will likely respond, although you should know that not many people have money these days .. I've been meeting a lot of empty cards myself lately... anyway, get cards, don't get frustrated.. carding is sweaty job rn . And personally I am not fkn giving up, oh and did you try residential IPs when you used VPNs cos most proxies sell from a proxy pool and most of the IPs have been used to test cards .. and yup you need to have basic programming skills bruh, changing about:config and using burp should not be sweaty job for you .. c'mon... times have changed, due to carding difficulty cards will drop in price .. learn now so you can eat big later... there's always a loop hole - one random hacker 😂


Reaction score
Not likely, you'll need to profile them to know how they will likely respond, although you should know that not many people have money these days .. I've been meeting a lot of empty cards myself lately... anyway, get cards, don't get frustrated.. carding is sweaty job rn . And personally I am not fkn giving up, oh and did you try residential IPs when you used VPNs cos most proxies sell from a proxy pool and most of the IPs have been used to test cards .. and yup you need to have basic programming skills bruh, changing about:config and using burp should not be sweaty job for you .. c'mon... times have changed, due to carding difficulty cards will drop in price .. learn now so you can eat big later... there's always a loop hole - one random hacker 😂
Согласен, нельзя опускать руки.


Reaction score
Hello mate,
Socks5, Antidetect (any) , ur Bin, test it on vpnexpress or gofundme to see if is alive. shipping = billing most cases. Try shopify shops under 500 usd WARM up the shop before u shoot. shops r like women :) dont go dry. 90% success i dont undrestand why is not working for u. good luck


Reaction score
I used images cos I don't want stuff getting scrapped by Bots for LLMs and I zipped it so image generators can't be trained on em, also I'm no affiliated with any website or market place or shop, just wanna make bank. You can always comment questions


  • carding fails.zip
    11.9 MB · Views: 171


Reaction score
Hello mate,
Socks5, Antidetect (any) , ur Bin, test it on vpnexpress or gofundme to see if is alive. shipping = billing most cases. Try shopify shops under 500 usd WARM up the shop before u shoot. shops r like women :) dont go dry. 90% success i dont undrestand why is not working for u. good luck
Where do you get your digits


Reaction score
Idk what this is the password for, but all I'm gonna say is that I suspect this forum is just a way to sell a false dream to make a profit through selling cards or other services. Most of the information that is posted daily is irrelevant to actually carding (you'll see a lot of bots posting threads that don't help carding at all, they'll talk about things related to fraud but now how to actually commit it, and if they do tell you how to commit it they're giving you outdated information), and if it is relevant it is a pain in the ass to find since the search function isn't that precise. Odds are carding probably is real and can be very lucrative, but odds are that the actual important information or methods that actually do work are well hidden as to not get revealed and rendered useless because everybody abused them. I could theorically waste more money and invest more time looking up for more information until the puzzle is finally assembled, but I have fucking bills to pay. This isn't the early 2000's anymore, cyber security got better. Imo the best way to profit off of that shit is to find a good shop with weak cards. Back in the days I was using fe-shop and some of their cards were dead but some of them had more than 400$ on them and I could literally card on fucking Tor without raising any eyebrows. Ever since fe-shop got fucked by the feds I've been through many shops but their cards were weak as fuck. So I'm thinking the card is actually the most important thing here, not your IP adress. I am 200% convinced that Brian's Club probably has the best cards in the market, but it has a 100$ inscription fee I believe. Like I said, can't be fucked. If someone here truly knew how to card on the regular and without any effort, they would get staright to the point and give you information that is up to date, so they either dont give a shit enough to get into the details (which is understandable), or they're larping as carders while they actually have 0 skills, and that's fucking sad imo. Forgot the mention the myriad of rippers or carding fetishists that will pretend to be your friend but then will try to make money on your back (boohoo, I know) or selling you garbo information you can find for free. Like jesus man just help a nigga out, I just wanna figure this thing out so I can finance my hooker addiction I'm not even trying to be rich off it.

You mentionned pooling information. My DMs are open, I took a lot of notes.
Hello first of all this forum is the only forum in clearnet which does not post any advertisement & has actually info about carding.Other forums are just filled with advertisements.
It is a free to register forum for everyone so scammers make account to scam people but they get instantly banned by the @admin whenever he comes online.
Shops which you see on forum are actual shops & legit too & forum does not make any money from it.
About outdated methods,forum was down for long time so no one could have posted new methods and the posts of 2021 are still informative & helpful.Obviously everything written wont work but it gives a good idea how you can still card in 2023.Posts about antifraud,cookies,logs etc. they are still relevent & nothing much has changed.
My crab rating in briansclub is 6crabs & i can say that briansclub is not the best shop in market (it was) but in 2023 it is not a good shop & especially for beginners as the CC prices are not cheap & they dont work everytime so it will disappoint you more.Sometimes i spend $100-200 for non refundable dead CCs.
Link of briansclub is briansclub.cm / bclub.cm
Other shop you can try which have US CCs in cheap kfcclub.cm & a good CC shop shalomninja.shop


Reaction score
Same , although in just down 13 USD, thing is you need to do a lot of research... I'll upload a file of what I've been up to and what I've found out... it's better to pool brain power than waste time bickering that the pros don't help out
Yeah, we all should work together.

Bob Esponja

Reaction score
Hello first of all this forum is the only forum in clearnet which does not post any advertisement & has actually info about carding.Other forums are just filled with advertisements.
It is a free to register forum for everyone so scammers make account to scam people but they get instantly banned by the @admin whenever he comes online.
Shops which you see on forum are actual shops & legit too & forum does not make any money from it.
About outdated methods,forum was down for long time so no one could have posted new methods and the posts of 2021 are still informative & helpful.Obviously everything written wont work but it gives a good idea how you can still card in 2023.Posts about antifraud,cookies,logs etc. they are still relevent & nothing much has changed.
My crab rating in briansclub is 6crabs & i can say that briansclub is not the best shop in market (it was) but in 2023 it is not a good shop & especially for beginners as the CC prices are not cheap & they dont work everytime so it will disappoint you more.Sometimes i spend $100-200 for non refundable dead CCs.
Link of briansclub is briansclub.cm / bclub.cm
Other shop you can try which have US CCs in cheap kfcclub.cm & a good CC shop shalomninja.shop
Thanks a lot for the suggestions and clarifications, my apologies to everyone else and the admin for my whining, I will look into these shops.

Bob Esponja

Reaction score
Hello mate,
Socks5, Antidetect (any) , ur Bin, test it on vpnexpress or gofundme to see if is alive. shipping = billing most cases. Try shopify shops under 500 usd WARM up the shop before u shoot. shops r like women :) dont go dry. 90% success i dont undrestand why is not working for u. good luck
What if I wanna deliver to another adress ? Then it won't work ?

How do I find shopify shops ? I tried the method where you put specific key words to only search for shopify websites but it didn't really work.

I don't know either I think it'S either cause I'm buying shit cards or either because the websites I try to card are too high security.