VTB24: Our clients became victims of skimming


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VTB24 explained the disappearance of money from the salary cards of 2GIS employees.

Employees of the company "2GIS", owners of VTB24 salary cards, became victims of such a common type of fraud as " skimming ", the VTB24 press service told CNews .

The bank gives the following definition of skimming - fraud in which a transaction is carried out using a bank card or its details that is not initiated or confirmed by its holder. Usually, to obtain information about a card, a skimmer is installed on an ATM - a tool for copying the magnetic track of a payment card.

“Many banks suffer from skimming, and our bank is no exception,” VTB24 added.

As it became known today, money was written off from the salary cards of dozens of employees of the Moscow representative office of the 2GIS company on Sunday, September 18 . Some employees' cards were blocked. Withdrawals took place at ATMs near the Taganskaya metro station and at the VTB24 branch at ul. Marxist 5/1.

According to bank representatives, a skimmer was found, but not in an ATM located in the branch. In addition to 2GIS, other clients reported the loss of money to the bank, the number of which VTB24 did not specify.

The bank especially emphasizes that in the case of 2GIS there was no leakage of customer data, and the blocking of customer cards was carried out for their safety. “Cards blocked at the bank’s initiative will be reissued at the bank’s expense. All affected clients should contact the bank with a statement about disputed transactions,” VTB24 concluded.


Skimmer – a tool for copying the magnetic track of a payment card

“We have been cooperating with VTB24 for a long time and, in fact, we are happy with this, there have been no problems,” says Alexey Kazarinkov , director of the Moscow branch of 2GIS. - Currently, together with the bank, we are studying the situation, I think we will be able to find the optimal solution together. No one is safe from scammers . But it is necessary to study the issue in order to minimize risks in the future.”

Experts state that throughout the year in Russia there has been an active increase in the use of skimmers. “I don’t think anyone can name the exact dynamics of this process, but speculatively we can estimate it as an increase of 200%,” Group-IB CEO Ilya Sachkov told CNews .

“Two years ago we thought that skimmers were a dying technology, but now we see how it is returning to Russia,” the expert adds. “So, a month ago, with the participation of Group-IB, an entire factory was found in the Moscow region , printing plastic cards using stolen data from the carder database.”

Sachkov recommends that cardholders follow the following security rules: visually check the ATM for an installed skimmer (although modern devices are difficult to notice), do not use ATMs at train stations, airports, shopping centers, withdraw money only from ATMs installed in operating rooms in bank branches.

(c) https://www.cnews.ru/news/top/vtb24_nashi_klienty_stali_zhertvami_skimminga