VNC - RDP hacking

Carding Forum

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For those who don't know, "Virtual Network Computing" is a system for remote access to a computer desktop, and "RFB" is a client-server network protocol for remote access to a computer's graphical desktop. This protocol is most often used for interaction between a human operator and the machines he controls (for example, cash registers or station control systems).

1. Download any convenient port scanner, for example, “Masscan” (this scanner can be easily found in “Google”);

Be sure to launch all software from RDP or virtual machine;

2. Download the program “VNC BRUTE BY Z668” - this is software for brutalizing “VNC” accesses (it can also be easily found in open sources);

3. Follow the link ( and select the country that we will brute - click the “Download” button opposite the desired country, after which a page with its IP address ranges will open in front of us. ;

4. Press the key combination “CTRL” + “A” to select all lines and “CTRL” + “C” to copy them;

5. Launch “Masscan GUI” from step 1, insert our ranges there, set the parameters as in the screenshot and click “SCAN”;


For convenience, you can write not "5900 - 5906", but simply "5900" or "5901";

6. After clicking, a console will open, click on "IPs (text -> text file)", after which files with port numbers will be created;

Before each new scan, don't forget to clean the “Masscan” folder from text files;

7. Launch the "VNC BRUTE" software, go to the "Brute by IP list" tab and transfer the file with the IP into the window, insert passwords (you should only enter the most popular passwords or use dictionaries for brute), set no more than 500 streams, set the port that was scanned earlier (it is written in the name of the text editor) and click "Start";

8. When the brute is finished, go to the "Brute" folder and copy the guds, return to the software and go to the "Checker" section. Insert our brute-forced "VNC", specify "50" streams, timeout "5" and launch the checker;

9. After the check, we will only have valid “VNC”; to connect to them, download any “VNC Viewer”, for example, “Realvnc (” and connect to it;

“VNC” has 2 connection modes and each has a separate password: the first implies full control, and the other only viewing. We will only be able to find out which mode we have access to after connecting.
