VISA Electron with credit dump vs embosser


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To write this article, I was prompted by the assertion of some carders that VISA Electron, they say, is some kind of defective product compared to embossed cards. Moreover, it was not Electron that was compared with Electron's dump, but Electron with a credit dump. That is, all the fuss is solely due to some imaginary "inferiority" of the design, and not because, for example, a smaller amount is withdrawn for Electron or because of other significant factors. So let's take a look at Electron's credit dump design versus embossed credit-dumped cards (like Electron's). Naturally, the comparison will be made not by the consumer properties of a real card for real cardholders issued by real banks, but by the carder properties of these cards.

First, let me walk through the Russian mentality.

When I see a guy of eighteen or twenty-two years old, crawling out of an obviously second-hand gelding with a 600 SEL nameplate (that is, the elongated version), in a leather jacket (expensive, but still-), and despite the fact that this Merc is elongated that is designed for a VIP passenger ride in the back seat, the owner gets out from behind the wheel, then I immediately understand that this is Russian. Despite the fact that I have seen these guys in many European countries. But in all 100% of cases, the guy really turned out to be Russian.

When I went to have a bite to eat at McDonald's in Zurich in 1992 and saw a 23-year-old guy demonstratively laying out a satellite phone on the table (for those who don't know, this is a baida, the size of a suitcase, which is packed in a suitcase - allows you to call from anywhere in the world via satellite), then I immediately realized that he was Russian. And for sure - when he started shouting at all McDonald's "Lucy! Lucy! Imagine - I'm calling you from the very center of Zurich !!!", I realized that I was not mistaken.

Now about carding. When I imagine that a carder of about twenty comes in chic jeans and the coolest leather jacket, bending under the weight of a chain around his neck, with rings on all his fingers, including toes, into a European shop, and pulls out a gold / platinum visa or mastercard or even cooler - platinum amex, then I imagine what thoughts rush through the head of the seller. If you think that the seller will not have doubts that the card is yours, then you are deeply mistaken. The very first thing that comes to the seller's mind is that you gop-stopped some uncle and took away his credit, and now you are trying to buy goods using it. Even if the seller does not perform any additional actions such as "Show the documents", he will probably additionally call the bank to make sure that the money will come to him later. Do you need it? Do you need to be suspected, so that you draw increased attention to yourself? I think not.

In a carder who is shopping, everything should correspond to a discreet image - you are still workers of the invisible front and the more invisible you are behind enemy lines, the better. If you are still young, try to look like your European peers, take off your finger rings, finger-thick chains before returning to Russia (you are not a black man from some Brooklyn gang, right?). And order a credit card better according to your age. Which credit card suits you best?

How a European gets a credit card.

Consider the example of an Italian who has reached the age of 18 (minors can only have a card linked to their parent). When he turns 18, he has no credit history (credit history on the card linked to the parent card is not taken into account). Accordingly, he cannot even count on Visa Electron - he is only given a local ATM card, which he can use exclusively in Italy and only at ATMs. This card is neither a visa nor a mastercard (it is called Pago). After an Italian starts working or studying and receiving a scholarship, he begins to earn a credit history for himself and in a year can expect to receive a card of the same intra-Italian payment system, which he can already use in stores (only Italian). After a year of correct use of this card, he can count on receiving Electron or Maestro. And three years later, when he starts receiving a decent salary, he can already count on receiving VISA Classic. And in another 7-10 years (if he earns a lot), then he can swing at the gold card.

Accordingly, think about how old you are and whether you stand out with your cool card among your peers. After all, I repeat, it is very important for carders not to stand out from the crowd. Moreover, the matter does not concern the amount of purchases or anything material, but the design of the card - a thing that does not at all affect the amount of the purchase.

This is with regard to psychological issues (which are very important in our business - it is very difficult to overestimate them). Now let's move on to practical questions.

Are there any differences in the amounts withdrawn from Electron with a credit dump and from credit cards?

I repeat once again that I consider all positions from the carder's point of view.

Credit cards for a real cardholder have two main differences (apart from credit, since our Electron also has a credit dump). It:
the possibility of servicing through the imprinter the
possibility of servicing at sub-limit amounts without online authorization (usually up to $ 50)

Let's consider these two advantages in more detail - are they such a big advantage?

Possibility of servicing through an imprinter.

Think - have you seen a lot of imprinters in developed countries (with the exception of the USA - but the US market is a slightly different story)? And in which stores they are. If you haven't worked with real plastic yet, ask those who have worked. Everyone will tell you that the presence of an imprinter in stores in developed countries is as rare as a meeting with Zaporozhets there. And if they are there, it is only in small shops that sell some kind of old stuff at inflated prices. And there you will not buy a liquid product, which you will then quickly and profitably hand over - the same electronics, for example. In all stores where you will find reasonable prices and normal, popular, goods, there are electronic POS terminals for a long time. And if you also consider that you will be the only buyer in a small shop with an imprinter for the last three months, Yes, take into account your age and the compliance of a cool credit card with it, then for sure it will not do without a call to the bank from the store "just in case." Do you need it?

Possibility of merchandising for unlimited amounts without online authorization.

It has been said many times that the card must be used once or, in extreme cases, several times, but within a very short time. This is very important if you want to stay free. Now think - will you try to run around with a card purchased for 230 bucks, a bunch of points in order to collect an amount for sub-limit transactions to counter the value of the card? Or would you rather make a lot of purchases at this time for the maximum possible amount? But after all, for amounts over 50 bucks, online authorization is usually required! So is there any difference which card the cashier swipes in the POS - credit or Electron? Indeed, in any case, the cashier himself does not decide whether to give you the goods or not - everything he needs he receives from the POS terminal. Received an authorization code 00 - the goods are returned, did not receive it - so even if you have a super-duper platinum card in design, the seller will not give you the goods. Thus, we see that this "advantage" of a credit (embossed) card in comparison with Electron is very dubious from a carder point of view.