Vatican City vs. killer robots: the development of autonomous weapons worries Catholics


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The archbishop urged to establish control over AI on a global level.

At the UN General Assembly, the Vatican's senior diplomat, Archbishop Liam Gallagher, called on world leaders to temporarily suspend the development and use of deadly autonomous weapons systems (also known as "killer robots"). As long as the international community does not agree on the regulations and rules for their use.

"It is necessary to ensure mandatory, meaningful and continuous human participation in the control of weapons systems. After all, only a person can be aware of the ethical consequences of their actions and take responsibility for them," said Gallagher.

The Vatican supports the idea of creating an International Organization for the Study of Artificial Intelligence. Its employees will have to explore all possible risks and development paths, as well as promote the peaceful use of technology for the common good.

It is expected that a UN unit with similar tasks will start working this fall.

Gallagher also expressed concerns about discrimination, which can contribute to the evolution of neural networks. He quoted Pope Francis: "It is unacceptable that someone's fate is determined by an algorithm."

Although the Vatican is not a member of the United Nations and has no voting rights, it has permanent observer status.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has already called for a ban on the use of autonomous weapons in cases where they are contrary to international humanitarian law.

Pope Francis, the world's leading Catholic spiritual leader, has also spoken out on modern technology many times, although he once admitted that he doesn't even know how to use a computer. Recently, he called the progress in artificial intelligence "impressive", but warned that the technology can provoke large-scale conflicts, which is why it is so important to control it.