Unpunished piracy: Music labels lose $1 billion in the battle against the Internet service provider


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How did Cox Communications get away with a billion-dollar fine for piracy?

The US Court of Appeals overturned the decision to pay $1 billion. the company Cox Communications to the leading music labels Sony Music, Warner Music Group and Universal Music Group, which accused the provider of ineffective fight against piracy among users. The court considered that the amount of damage was assigned unreasonably and demanded a new trial to clarify the amount of compensation.

The history of the issue dates back to 2019, when a jury found Cox Communications liable for copyright infringement of its users on more than 10,000 works owned by the world's largest labels. The appeal revealed flaws in the instructions for the jury, which could lead to incorrect conclusions about Cox Communications ' responsibility for violations committed by users, especially if the company did not block their accounts after warnings about violations.

The Appeals court stressed that, despite the possibility of finding Cox Communications liable for copyright infringement, questions about the control over user actions and the validity of the $1 billion claim require further consideration.

The appeals court's decision was a new twist for music labels, who insisted that Cox Communications ignored multiple notifications of violations and did not take sufficient measures to prevent them. The case has attracted the attention of the public and experts, as it touches on important aspects of the responsibility of Internet service providers for copyright violations in the digital age. The outcome of the new trial and possible subsequent appeals could have far-reaching implications for the entire industry.