Unknown hackers "froze" court proceedings across Florida


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Authorities are investigating the incident and looking for ways to restore systems as soon as possible.

The judicial district of the state of Florida faced a cyberattack, because of which its work was suspended. On the official website of the agency, it was confirmed that an "information security incident" caused problems. An investigation is currently underway.

A similar incident will seriously affect the work of the court in Escambia, Ocaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton counties. "The court will focus its efforts on priority hearings, but many other sessions will be canceled and postponed to a later date," the judicial district said in a statement.

Citizens are advised to contact the judges by phone to get additional information about rescheduled hearing dates.

Representatives of the court have not yet commented on whether this was an incident with extortionate software or something else. No ransomware gang has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, either.

Over the past year, US courts have already faced a number of attacks. In February, the Florida Supreme Court was struck down by ransomware, which led to serious problems in various organizations around the world. And before that, a series of cyber attacks on American cities, which we have repeatedly written about, also caused the suspension of local courts.

Emsisoft ransomware expert Brett Callow expressed his concern: "The courts have extremely confidential information, which makes the possibility of data leakage particularly dangerous. Delays in legal processes can also be extremely problematic in some cases."