Unix sysadmins are much more appreciated in Russia than they were a couple of years ago


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The rating of salaries of Russian Unix system administrators in cities with a population of millions has been published. Over the past three years, they have started to earn an average of 30% more, but the amount of knowledge and skills that employers will demand from them has hardly changed over the years. But the average age of a Unix specialist has changed – he has "aged" by three years.

How much do you get paid for knowing Unix

Russian system administrators working with Unix systems have started to receive significantly more money for their work over the past three years. According to CNews analysts of the job search service SuperJob, the salaries of Unix system administrators have increased dramatically in all major cities of Russia.

The highest salary in Russia Unix administrators, as well as three years earlier, can expect in Moscow 90-350 thousand rubles in June 2024 with an average of 180 thousand rubles against 70-250 thousand rubles in March 2021 with an average of 130 thousand rubles.

The second place in the rating is occupied by Saint Petersburg with the result of 60-210 thousand rubles in 2021 (average 110 thousand rubles) and 80-290 thousand rubles in 2024 (average 150 thousand rubles). Yekaterinburg closes the top three with 60-210 thousand rubles (average 110 thousand rubles) three years ago and 75-285 thousand rubles. (average 150 thousand rubles) now.

In March 2021, a Unix administrator from Volgograd received from 50 to 170 thousand rubles per month, depending on work experience and knowledge, and 90 thousand on average. In June 2024, the salary range in the same city varies from 65 to 250 thousand rubles, and the average salary is 130 thousand rubles.

Volgograd regularly gets into the top three in the lists of cities with a population of millions (in Russia there are only 16 of them) for the lowest salary level. The new SuperJob rating is no exception, but even in Volgograd, the salaries of Unix system administrators have increased significantly. Now they receive on average the same amount as Moscow's three years ago.

Unix System Administrator salary in 2024

Only their colleagues from Ufa now receive less than Volgograd Unix specialists. In March 2021, the salary range was from 50 to 180 thousand rubles. with an average of 90 thousand rubles, in June 2024-from 60 to 240 thousand rubles. (average – 125 thousand rubles).

What you need to know and be able to do

In Russia, many IT professionals can boast of rapid salary growth, but at the same time, the requirements for them from employers are becoming more and more. This is clearly seen, for example, by system administrators working with Windows systems – in April 2024, CNews wrote that in three and a half years they began to receive about 25-45% more, but the list of requirements for them has also grown significantly. And PHP programmers were even less lucky – their annual salary growth (2023-2024) did not cover inflation, and they still began to demand more from them.

As for Unix system administrators, the list of required skills for juns and seniors has not changed in three years. Unless, when hiring a top specialist, they may be asked if they have free communication skills in English, but this is only an option, and not a prerequisite for entering into an employment contract.

Employers requirements for Unix System Administrators in 2024

SuperJob analysts divide all Unix administrators into four categories based on their level of knowledge and salary. Specialists of the second and third categories now have to know more than three years ago in order to be able to receive a higher salary. For example, now they are required, in particular, to have professional certificates and experience in building VPN networks. At the same time, as before, employers also see such specialists as security specialists – they are expected to have an expanded knowledge of information security.

System administrators are getting old

Over the past three years, the portrait of the average professional who wants to get a job as a Unix system administrator has also undergone some changes. Three years ago, the average age of such applicants was 37 years, 99% were male, 80% had a higher education, 28% were ready to move, 32% were unemployed at the time of posting their resume, and the average time they worked in a previous company was five years.

By June 2024, the average age of applicants has increased to 40 years, and the number of candidates who graduated from the university has decreased to 70%. The profession of Unix administrator is still a male one – only 2% of applicants are female representatives. At the time of posting their resumes, 34% of applicants were unemployed. Other parameters have not changed: 28% are ready to move, the average term of work in the last place is five years.