Understand to find. Classification of maniacs.


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Forty years ago, Andrei Chikatilo began his bloody path. For 12 years, he committed 52 proven murders. Gennady Mikhasevich strangled women for fourteen years. The theater of death of the pioneer leader Anatoly Slivko has been operating for twenty-one years. The police spent a lot of time looking for and catching these non-humans, and it's not just about some miscalculations of internal organs and the bestial cunning of serial killers. For a long time our "serials" simply did not know how to catch, maniacs did not appear often, they were "piece goods."

Until the nineties, there was no special science for the study of such types, the pioneer of Russian "maniac studies" can be called Alexander Bukhanovsky, who opened in Rostov-on-Don a whole center for the study of serial killers and prevention of antisocial behavior in people predisposed to him.

In the United States, the picture was radically different. Maniacs in America are commonplace. Of the 200 most famous and bloody "serials" on the planet, three quarters are citizens of the United States. About a hundred new murderers of this category are registered there annually. For this reason, a lot of effort and money was devoted to the study of the bloody phenomenon, and a national center for the analysis of violent crimes appeared in the FBI, where behaviorists carefully study the details of crimes and "stuffing" in the minds of killers. As they say, need made ...

Understand to find​

The man who turned the study of maniacs into a science can be called Robert Ressler, he is the most famous and successful profiler. During his career, he solved the crimes of 36 serial killers, carefully investigating and classifying them. Among his victories: Manson, Gacy, Bundy, Dahmer, Berkowitz and many others. In the 70s, he identified two main types of maniacs and introduced the concept of serial murder.

Today the picture has changed somewhat. Unmotivated killings are becoming more common, crimes have become more brutal, and maniacs are slowly ceasing to be the prerogative of the United States. Nevertheless, in terms of studying "serials", the FBI is still ahead of the rest, and the textbooks and methodological manuals are quite amusing enough that they could be read at their leisure.

First of all, experts began to study how maniacs differ from ordinary murderers. Comparing different murders, "feds" learned to find differences between the pictures of crimes. Today in America the following types of murders are distinguished: single, double, triple, mass, chain and family.

Serial murders stand apart, they have a key difference - the period of emotional cooling of the criminal. This means that the conventional "Chikatilo" does not go hunting every day. Having saturated his passion, for some time he goes underground: for weeks, months, sometimes years. Then the feeling of euphoria from the perfect goes away, and hunger again drives the maniac in search of a new victim.

Melody of desire​

Serialists are driven by different desires to commit crimes. The motives for killing people have also been classified. On this basis, maniacs are divided into 4 main groups: hedonists, power-hungry, missionaries and visionaries.
The motives of the hedonists fit perfectly with the deadly sins.

1. Gluttony.

This is the sin of maniacs who kill people for food. Like bears, having tasted human women once, they cannot calm down later. However, "pure" cannibals are very rare, for most maniacs - cannibalism - a "trick" accompanying sexual disorders, an additional feature, so to speak. A prominent representative of this category is Fritz Harman, the "Hanoverian Vampire", who killed 27 boys and young men from 1918 to 1924, whom he selected among the vagabonds at the station. After strangling the victim, Harman gnawed their throats and drank the blood. In 1919, Fritz met Hans Grans, who became the vampire's lover and accomplice. It was he who came up with the idea of selling human flesh under the guise of beef to the nearest cafes and restaurants. However, the hellish couple of gay vampires-cannibals sometimes showed a mercantile interest - they could "soak" another victim because of a rag they liked. In the end, one of the guys resisted: he made a noise and reminded the police who had come running about the missing vagrants. During a search of Harman's house, the remains of 27 victims were found. Grans was detained in the process of butchering the corpse of a young man who disappeared a week before the events described. On December 19, 1924, Harman was sentenced to death by guillotination. He met his fate with a smile, explaining that vampires are immortal. Grans received 12 years in prison. disappeared a week before the events described. On December 19, 1924, Harman was sentenced to death by guillotination. He met his fate with a smile, explaining that vampires are immortal. Grans received 12 years in prison. disappeared a week before the events described. On December 19, 1924, Harman was sentenced to death by guillotination. He met his fate with a smile, explaining that vampires are immortal. Grans received 12 years in prison.


Sexual pleasure is the most popular motive among maniacs. They achieve orgasm in different ways: the victim can be alive or dead, sexual intercourse can be replaced by manipulation of the weapon. Rape is common, but not necessary. The same Chikatilo, due to impotence, used a knife instead of a member. Such exercises with him coexisted with cannibalism and other lewd practices.

Our specialists divide sex maniacs into two categories: hijackers and imitators. The first, seeing the victim, want to satisfy their needs as quickly as possible. Such was, for example, Eduard Shemyakov. The latter enter into trust in the victim, they are excited by playing with an unsuspecting person. They commit murder at the most inopportune moment. These include Pavel Shuvalov, senior sergeant of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the St. Petersburg Metro.

3 greediness

Sometimes the motive for serial murders becomes banal greed. As, for example, with Vladimir Ionesyan, Mosgaz. However, he did not make any special profits from his murder. Another matter Henry Howard Holmes, the first officially registered serial killer in the United States. Making money from health insurance fraud, Holmes built a luxurious mansion in Chicago in 1890. In it, he equipped a gas chamber and began to poison people long before the Third Reich. He dissected the corpses and sold them as visual aids to local medical schools. Nobody was interested in where his skeletons, skulls and other body parts came from. Greed destroys "frauers" not only in Russia, fate treated Holmes in the same way. After killing a certain Ben Peitzel, Holmes tried to pass off his body as the corpse of another person in order to get insurance. The insurers found the story suspicious, and in the end they uncovered the fraud. At the trial, the offender confessed to 27 murders. On May 7, 1896, he was hanged.

4 anger

The Destroyers take delight in watching their victim suffer. Often, these non-humans record their exploits on video. This is the creepiest kind of maniacs. If other murderers try to kill their victim as quickly as possible, they torture the unfortunate for weeks, rejoicing in their torment. The fantasies of the "destroyers" are so dark and unattractive that they should not be described even in such a text. If you're curious, see for yourself. This type includes, for example, Clifford Olson.

Unlike hedonists, power-hungry people are attracted by the desire to dominate. They often commit sexual crimes, but they are not motivated by lust. Subjugating someone else's will - that's their thrill. Such was, for example, Sergei "Fisher" Golovkin, who killed 11 boys in 6 years. In September 1992, Golovkin raped and killed three schoolchildren at once. “I have established a priority by telling the children who will die for whom. I dismembered Sh in front of E., while showing the internal organs and giving anatomical explanations. The boy went through all this calmly, without hysteria, sometimes he only turned away, ”Golovkin later said during an investigative experiment in the garage. The last boy, the very calm one, was tortured and raped by a maniac for 12 hours, after which he hanged him and went to work.

Missionaries pursue a higher purpose, they kill for the sake of the ideal. Sergei Ryakhovsky, for example, "fought against prostitutes and homosexuals by killing them and further reincarnating." In total, he "reincarnated" 19 people, six of them managed to escape. It took five years to catch the necrophilous gerontophile. Seven years ago, he died in prison from tuberculosis.

Visionaries are drawn to kill voices, god or devil, in many ways. And the ways of communicating with higher powers also differ. Some, like Onoprienko, heard voices in their heads, others find an intermediary. With Berkovits, for example, the devil contacted with the help of a neighbor's dog.

Recently, experts have identified another type of maniacs - thrill seekers. Murder for the sake of murder, or rather, the adrenaline that accompanies this process, is becoming more and more popular among North American teenagers. So far, they are not officially singled out as a separate type of serial killer, but if the trend continues, the "extremals" will occupy a separate chapter in the textbooks.

For years, serial killers have been doing their bloody deeds close to neighbors. After the arrest, comments from neighbors are often heard a la: "What a good educated person he was," and they send positive characteristics from work. Why doesn't anyone recognize them as cruel killers? It's all about the mask of normality, the phenomenon of which was revealed by the aforementioned Ressler. However, this will be discussed in our next article.