Two "yes" in favor of embossing on plastic cards


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There are many ways to make your credit card design unique and memorable. Embossing is considered one of the best solutions. What is so good about this way of decorating cards? Firstly, the exclusive drawing will certainly emphasize the premium status of the company or the card holder. Such printed materials always increase the credibility of the company, speak of the high status of the cardholder and emphasize his position in society.

Second, embossing is one way to personalize cards. So, VIP-clients' discount cards are simply obliged to differ from other printing products. Therefore, for regular customers, you can use gold stamping, and decorate the rest of the cards with silver.

How are plastic cards embossed?
Embossing on plastic cards is applied using a cliche - a special shape that is poured out of light and malleable metal. The inscription or logo on the cliche is placed in a mirror image. The production of cliches takes a little time, but it requires additional costs. Therefore, stamping on plastic cards using cliches is advisable for large editions. For a small order, it is better to order the foiling technology.

The location of the embossing elements is determined by the designer or directly by the customer. The main thing is that the distance between the picture and the edge of the card or the magnetic stripe is more than 5 millimeters.
The embossing process itself is quite simple. The finished cliche is installed on a hot press, heats up and presses the selected foil into the surface of the plastic card. Foil of various colors is used for embossing, but gold and silver are the most popular. Gold and silver foil looks especially stylish on dark matte cards.

Regardless of the purpose and design of the card, embossing always looks expensive and status. It is able to emphasize the good taste of the customer and his high position. Therefore, when ordering plastic cards, you should definitely think about applying a logo or other unique symbols by embossing. And the staff of Rombus-Print will help with the design and manufacture of printed materials.