TWO WAYS TO GENERATE CAPITAL TO START CARDING - part 1 (Carding week with greenghost)


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This is the fourteenth article on this campaign.
I promised to show you how to generate cash to start carding in my previous article and I am here to fufill that promise. I am going to show you two ways. They are id phisher and money mule. In this part 1 I will show you how to become an id phisher.

A person who phishes id is an id phisher. As we all know id are required in the carding industry. You can sell an id for $10 to $20. Some people will need an id with the victim holding the id and a piece of paper with a specific word written on it, such can be sold for as much as $50.

How to do id phishing?
The normal way to do id phishing is to create a website with premium hosting and create a job, scholarship, loan or admission opportunity. Which require id such as international passport, driver license, student identity card and many more. Since you can not afford cc of just $5, I believe you can't as well afford premium hosting and domain. So all you need to do is to create a free form. There are many apps and websites that let you create forms for free but stay away from google forms as nobody would fall victim for it. I normally use and its very nice. You need to be creative and as well watch a few youtube tutorials to understand how to create forms on their website or app. You need to think of a perfect plot, you need to ask for all the necessary information that are unnecesary to you. You have to prove to them that you are real. Then you need to spread the form url. Normally you are supposed to advertise it via paid advertising, that way you would get thousands of victims. Since you are broke you would go to facebook and create an account as company staff or something similar. You have to make the facebook account look real and post up to 20 posts and as well backdate all the post so that It will look you've been long on facebook with that account. To back date a post on facebook, simply publish the post then right click on the date near the post ( this can only work when done via your timeline/profile). Then you input any date of your choice. And you are good to go, join groups related to your form plot. Then you post on the group you are looking for worker, your organization is giving out scholarship. Just be creative. When they inbox you give them your form url and when they fill the form, you would see all the details they inputed as well as the id they upload. Make sure to collect front and back of the id and a selfie of them holding the id. If its an international passport only the bio data page is required with a selfie of them holding it. So once you get it, come and advertise on the forum that you sell id and trust me many people would come to you. please don't post the url directly on any facebook group as some intelligent guys will quickly know its a phishing form and raise alarm and then your cover will be blown. I hope you understand this? This better than using a free webhost such as blogspot
below is one of my forms link, I use the link to steal loan fullz as well as id.