(TUT) Staying under the Feds radar.


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Alright In here I'll be discussing how to keep yourself as safe as possible when hacking or doing other blackhat things on the internet.

Start of tutorial​
Alright so you wanna be the best hacker out there right? Well the best hackers protect their own asses from being caught. In order to keep your self a little more hidden follow these steps (NOTE: This tutorial is to keep you safer. There still are ways for people to trace you if they try hard enough)

  1. Download True Crypt, Virtual Machine and an operating system and install both of the programs
  2. True Crypt is an excellent program to protect your data from being compromised. It can lock your whole flash drive so that it requires a lengthy password to access it. Plug-in your flash drive then open Truecrypt. Click on "Create volume." Then tick "Encrypt a non-system partition/drive" and click next. Then tick "Hidden Truecrypt" and click next. After that you wanna tick "normal mode" then on the next screen you want to choose the drive that your flash drive is on. Next it should ask you something like what type of encryption would you like you want to make sure its AES-Twofish-serpent. After that it will ask you for a password (this password is what you'll give the feds if you ever get busted so make sure nothing bad is on there) After typing your password you'll want to start to encrypting it. Should only take like 5 minutes depending on your processor speed. After that it will take you to a screen saying something about hidden crypt. You'll want to set the maximum amount of space and make sure its AES-TWOFISH-SERPENT again. It will ask your for a second password. MAKE SURE ITS A DIFFERENT PASSWORD. This password will be for all your illegal/bad stuff. Start to format it again. After it finishes close out of the wizard and go back to the main program and click "auto-mount devices" and type your password for the second format. This will be what you want to save your files into.
  3. After doing all this you'll want to open VirtualBox. Click on "new" and just follow the wizard. When it asks you where you want to save your HDD make sure its in your flash drive with the encrypted drive. After everything is adjusted probably you'll want to boot up the virtual machine and install the operating system (I recommend XP since its the easiest and lightest to work with).
  4. Now after your operating system is installed you'll want to install a couple of applications. Install Fire fox, CCleaner and Openvpn client. Fire fox is a good web browser is very customizable for hackers. CCleaner will clean all your browsing files after an attack and Openvpn is a layer of security to protect you (combined with the nvpn service that is)
  5. After all this is all set your all good to start attacking some networks!

Alright.. I have this all set up now how is the supposed to look like?​
Alright after this is all set-up you should use the programs in the order that follows. First open up MAC changer (before you connect to a network) Click on your network adapter and click "Change MAC" and just set it to a random one. After that open up your encrypted flash drive using TrueCrypt and boot up your Virtual PC using VirtualBox. After your virtual PX is all started up open up OpenVPN (This is if you already subscribed to NVPN.net) and type in your information. Once your connected go to http://www.super-socks.com (once again this is if you already registered for the product) and choose any sock that you want. (Maybe you want to pretend your someone else then make sure you choose the location closest to them) Make sure the sock isn't blacklist by using the checker. After you get the sock Plug it in to your browser by going to tools>Options>Advance>Network>Settings and put in all the information. After that go to www.whatismyip.com to make sure it worked. After all this is done you can start bringing down networks or what ever malicious thing you plan on doing. After your all done MAKE SURE YOU CLEAN THE EVIDENCE. Use CCleaner and get rid of everything. Leave nothing behind not even saved passwords. You want to stay as clean as possible. Make sure your set up looks like this: T-Mac>Boot Virtual PC off Flash Drive>Connect to VPN>Plug in SOCK>Delete using CCleaner after doing anything!


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You have to add one single detail,ON US COURT it will put you to choose between Quilty and Sentence or Give them the Password for the TrueCrypt.Try to make things transparent,why you need to hide?:)


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You have to add one single detail,ON US COURT it will put you to choose between Quilty and Sentence or Give them the Password for the TrueCrypt.Try to make things transparent,why you need to hide?:)

That's what hidden OS feauture is for..you give fake password and it shows clean OS :)

Also use FF noscript plugin to prevent java/flash driveby that will show your location and other attacks and spoof your user agent to prevent footprint.


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Good read but better if you use MAC then any other Windows based PC or Use BlackTrack USB mounted works on both platforms and upload your trucrypted file to virtual drive on internet /can be send space/ save the link on some email so you can download it (make the file small so you keep there only v.important things) and use VPNs Sock5 change your mac address all the time.
In that cas you can avoid any problems with giving your password :) and feds will not know anything about true crypt.
For those who dont know USB mounted BT dont store data on it so when you remove everything you working at is gone :) :)